Aseret HaDibrot
Tu B'Av
The History of Superheroes
Famous Firsts

This Shabbat is known as Shabbat _______ based on the opening word of the Haftorah

Nachamu- Comfort


The Aseret HaDibrot are written twice, in these pashiot

Yitro and Vaetchanan


According to Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel, which two days are described as the most joyous days for the Jewish people?

Tu B'Av and Yom Kippur


Which superhero, created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster in 1938, is considered the first modern superhero and marked the beginning of the Golden Age of Comics?



This was the first animal to orbit Earth, paving the way for human space exploration in 1957

Laika- a soviet space Dog


According to the Gematra of the word וָאֶתְחַנַּן we learn that Moshe prayed _________times to Hashem to be let into the land of Israel. The Midrash says if only he prayed one more time he would be let in



While normally translated as the Ten Commandments, it really should translated as ___________________

Ten Utterances (Sayings) 

(There are more than 10 commandments in the 10 commandments)


The Gemara explains that the joy of the 15th of Av is partially because it was the day members of different tribes were permitted to do what?

Intermarry between tribes


During World War II, this superhero, created by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby, symbolized patriotism and was depicted fighting Nazis

Captain America


This neighbouring country was the first to grant women the right to vote in 1893. 

New Zealand


The third section of the Shema "Vayomer" is not actually part of the Shema and it doesn't appear with the other sections in Parshat Vaetchanan

Rather, it appears in THIS parsha



In mentioning the Mitzva of Shabbat, the first Aseret HaDibrot said that we should ____________Shabbat, and the second said that we should ____________ Shabbat 

HINT: We reference these two words in Lecha Dodi

Zachor- remember- positive mitzvot

Shamor- Safeguard = negative mitzvot


Which tribe was originally banned from marrying into the others because of the terrible thing its people did?



The Silver Age of Comics, which saw the revival of superheroes with more science fiction elements, began with the introduction of a new version of which superhero team in The Brave and the Bold #28 in 1960?

Justice League


This city hosted the first-ever modern Olympic Games in 1896.



The verse “שמע ישראל, ה' אלוקינו, ה' אחד” (Shema Yisrael, Hashem Elokeinu, Hashem Echad) is a central theme in Parshat Va'etchanan. According to the Sages, which word in this verse requires a longer pronunciation to emphasize the unity of God, and why?

The letter "ד" in "אחד" should be elongated to emphasize God's sovereignty over the entire universe, symbolized by the different aspects of His unity (one in heaven and earth).


In the first of the Aseret HaDibrot the reason we are given for keeping Shabbat is _______________

But in the second set, the reason is ________________

Hashem created the Heavens and the EArth in 6 and rested

We were slaves in Egypt


The daughters of Jerusalem would borrow white garments from each other for dancing in the vineyards on the 15th of Av. What was the reason for this practice?

What is to avoid embarrassing those who did not have their own white garments?


Based off of the folk creature the Golem, this member of the Fantastic Four, is an openly Jewish character. 

The Thing


The first successful vaccine was developed in 1796 by Edward Jenner to prevent this disease, which was later eradicated.



This week begins the "Sheva D'Nechemta," which refers to the Seven special ____________ that lead up to Rosh Hashana

Haftorahs that are read about comfort


The Torah promises the reward of a long life for honouring one's mother and father. What is the other mitzvah that this is its reward

Shiluach HaKen- sending away the mother bird


According to Rav Mattana, the blessing "HaTov VeHaMeitiv" in bentching was instituted in Yavneh after they were allowed to bury the dead from THIS city which was ransacked in the Bar Kochba revolt



Which traditional Western comic book holds the record for the highest number of copies sold of a single-issue comic, with an estimated over 8.1 million copies sold. 

X-Men #1


This mathematician and philosopher is credited with writing the first computer algorithm in the 19th century, long before modern computers existed.

Ada Lovelace