What do the x and o in the term xoxo mean?
What is hugs and kisses
When New York editor Margaret faces deportation, she convinces her assistant Andrew to marry her in return for a promotion. However, when she visits his hometown, it changes her in many ways.
What is The Proposal?
Americans spend this amount on gifts for their pets for valentines day annually.
What is $1.5 billion
The tradition of giving chocolates on Valentine's Day started in this century.
What is the 19th century?
The best-selling Valentine's Day candy, accounting for more than 40% of all Valentine's Day candy sales.
What are sweethearts?
What is Cupid the god of?
What is Love
A girl in a small town forms an unlikely bond with a recently-paralyzed man she's taking care of.
What is Me before you?
Besides Valentine's Day, for which holiday are the most flowers sent?
What is mothers day?
About how many pounds of chocolate do Americans buy for Valentines day each year?
What is 58 million pounds?
The first heart-shaped box of chocolates was introduced in this year.
What is 1861?
This fruit symbolized Valentine's Day.
What is a strawberry?
What Valentine’s Day movie came out in 2010 and features an array of actors, including Taylor Swift, Julia Roberts, Jessica Biel and Ashton Kutcher?
What is Valentines Day
In what country is Valentine's Day known as "Friend's Day?"
Where is Finland?
On average, how many marriage proposals are there on every Valentine's Day?
What is 220,000?
Which company created sweetheart candies?
What is The New England Confectionery Company (Necco)
Cupid is believed to carry arrows that have tips made of which two materials?
What is gold and lead
Henry Roth is a man afraid of commitment until he meets the beautiful Lucy. They hit it off and Henry think he's finally found the girl of his dreams until discovering she has short-term memory loss and forgets him the next day.
What is 50 first dates?
When was the oldest-known Valentine's Day message written?
When was 1415?
Letters to Juliet are sent to what city every year?
Where is Verona, Italy?
In what year were the sweetheart candy messages “Be Mine” and “Kiss Me” first rolled out?
What is 1902
What do yellow roses symbolize?
What is friendship?
A young widow discovers that her late husband has left her 10 messages intended to help ease her pain and start a new life.
What is P.S. I Love You?
From where was the oldest-known Valentine's Day message sent?
Where is prison?
About how many roses are sent for Valentine's Day each year?
What is 50 million?
What Valentine's Day candy was first created on equipment made for lozenges?
What is Sweethearts?