Brooklynn's love language(s) is
What is quality time and acts of service?
Sibling that caused Brooklynn to cry when she found out it was a sister and not a brother
Who is Mindi and charlotte
Would she rather stay in or go out?
What is stay in
Besides her current major Brooklynn's dream career is
What is playing in a professional symphony?
Food that Brooklynn loathes entirely and refuses to put in her mouth
What is wasabi
Book Brooklynn was reading when she tripped up the stairs of the bus
What is Winter
Would she read a paper book, ebook, or audiobook?
What is a paper book?
What is wants to be in a medical setting, felt prompted in RS while in the middle of her intro class
Brooklynn's Chinese name
Brooklynn was in this play in elementary school
What is Pirates of the Curry-bean
Would she rather outlive Cale or have Cale outlive her?
What is have Cale outlive her (but he cannot remarry)
Two graduate programs Brooklynn is currently looking into
Double jeopardy: which is she currently leaning towards
What is SLP or PA school
PA school
What is get quiet, get clingy?
Surgery Brooklynn had when she was 5
What is tonsil removal?
Have to live one place for the rest of her life or move every 5 years for the rest of her life?
What is move every five years
SLP stands for
PA stands for
What is Speech-Language-Pathologist
What is Physician Assistant
One of Brooklynn's favorite things to get from Cale
What are handwritten letters?
Where (on her body) Brooklynn has been stung by a bee
Double jeopardy: what is the story
What is her belly button?
In kindergarten, she freaked out at a wasp on her arm and it flew up her shirt, teacher came back to the room with Brooklynn sobbing and the boy across from her had to explain what happened
Would Brooklynn rather be handcuffed or blindfolded ;)
What is blindfolded?
Brooklynn's plans for her career and having kids
What is work part time while her kids are little?