What day is Valentines day celebrated
What is February 14
Recite John 3:16
What is "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life"
I smell good and I am a popular gift on February 14th
What is flowers
Name a business that is busy on Valentines day
Cupid comes from _______ mythology
What is greek
What is Phillipians 4:13
I am something Cupid uses
What is arrow
Name one saying on a Valentines Day conversation heart candy
What is "Be Mine" or "I love you"
Besides a heart, what is another symbol for Valentines day
What is cupid?
There is no _____ in love
What is fear
I taste yummy, and im grown in a tree
What is chocolate
Besides "Darling", name a popular term of endearment
When was the first valentines sent
What is 15th century
What is Sarah
I am where Valentine's day come from
Who is St. Valentine
Name a popular chocolate manufactrer
What is Hershey or Godiva
When was the first heart shaped box introduced
What is 1861
The greatest form of love is ______
What is dying for someone
I am the standard for love
Who is Jesus
Famous cartoon couple
What is Mickey & Minnie