True or False
St. Valentine is the patron saint of numerous things,
including beekeepers & travelers
What major invention was patented on Valentine's Day?
This popular candy comes with a message
Conversation hearts
This color of rose stands for friendship
Americas most popular greeting card company
Valentines Day is celebrated when?
February 14th
Which states achieved statehood on Feb 14th?
Oregon & Arizona
What is the most popular activity on valentines day
Going out to dinner
Most roses sent on Valentines day are what color?
What do the X's and O's in the term xoxo mean?
According to the National Retail Federation, what was the top gift people planned to give loved ones on Valentine’s Day last year?
Candy. 57% of people planned to buy something sweet
While Valentine’s Day is associated with romance, some darker events have occurred on the holiday. In which U.S. city did the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre happen on Feb. 14, 1929?
This candy is a popular gift on Valentines Day and comes in a box
What Greek goddess is associated with red roses?
Which white bird is often associated with romance?
Who receives the most cards on Valentines day ?
This insanely popular website began on this day in 2005
Which ancient culture believed chocolate was a gift from the gods?
The Aztecs
What state produces most of America's red roses?
What year was February 14 first declared to be Valentine's Day?
Which infamous king declared valentines day a holiday?
Henry VIII
According to medieval Europeans, Feb. 14 marked the beginning of mating season for which animals?
Birds. That’s why it’s common to see birds as symbols of the holiday on Valentine’s Day cards.
TRUE OR FALSE: Conversation hearts were originally medicine
True or False
Roses are the US National Flower
These two colors are used most often to represent Valentines Day
Red & Pink