Basic facts
What day does Valantine's day always on?
February 14th
Who is Valintine's day named after?
St. Valintine!
What is the most given flower on Valantine's day?
Why is Valintine's day celebrated on 2/14?
It's the anniversary of St. Valintine's execution.
What does XO mean?
Kisses and Hugs.
Where was St. Valintine executed?
In Ancient Rome
Who's the baby that shoots arrows?
What law did St. Valintine do that caused him to be executed?
He performed marriages when it was illegal in Ancient Rome
What empire sacrificed animals on Valintine's day?
Who created Valintine's day?
St. Valintine!
What year was February 14th officially named Valintine's day?
When did Valintine's day first occur?
496 AD!