Queen of Pop
Who is Madonna?
What is the name of the musical that features the King's wives?
What is 6ix?
What is the name of Woody's girlfriend?
Who is Bo Peep
This is the name of Harry Potter’s pet owl
Who is Hedwig
He has admantium claws in his hands.
Who is Wolverine.
What is the name of the event that celebrities get invited to annually with a dress theme?
What is the Met Gala.
Musical about the Odyssey
What is Epic?
What is 95?
The name of the three-headed dog guarding the Sorcerer’s Stone.
Real name of Winter Soldier (NOT BUCKY)
Kim Kardashian was married to him for one month
Who is Kris Humphries?
What is Kansas?
The first princess
Who is Snow White?
This character is known for saying, “It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.”
Who is Albus Dumbledore?
Who is Wanda and Petro's father?
Who is Magneto.
Kanye Mom
Who is Donda?
Why does the Phantom wear a mask?
What is Facial Deformity?
The names of Hades’ two bumbling henchmen?
Who are Pain and Panic?
The spell used to summon objects.
What is Accio?
Name of Tony's AI assistant
Who is Jarvis?
What is Beyonce, apparently to Knaye lol
Who did Lin-Manuel Miranda first present Hamilton to?
Who is Barack Obama.
Tarzan's Gorilla mom
Who is Kala?
This potion allows someone to assume the appearance of another person
What is a Polyjuice Potion
What is to power a magnet, stopping shrapnel getting to his heart.