All things about Valentine's Day
This is why red and pink became the colors for valentine's day.
A. They're connected with the Flintstones
B.A fire rose is meant to burn the love out
C. They are connected to love
They're connected to love
This is a movie that celebrates Valentine's day.
A. Die Hard
B. Home Alone
C. Moana 1 & 2
D. The Notebook
D. The Notebook
This is who Valentine's Day was named after.
B. A queen who was bitten by an asp
C. A caveman who drew a heart on his wall for his cave wife
A. A priest who married Roman soldiers in secret
A. A priest who married Roman soldiers in secret
This was the year Cupid came to be.
A. 1200 BC
B. A.D. 1800
C. 700 B.C.
C. 700 B.C.
This was Cupid's original name.
1. Nero
2. Eros
3. Creaser