Spell this guy's name.
What does this mean in sign language?
I love you
What movie were these famous "in-love" dogs from?
Lady and the Tramp
What does xoxoxo mean on that candy conversation heart.
Hugs and kisses.
Can you do that heart sign with your hands the way everyone can? I never tried!
Point if the student does it.
R____ and Juliette were famous young adults in love.
Spell the dudes name where the space is.
Can you do the sign for candy, and then tell us your favorite kind.
Student gets score if they followed directions of the question.
What is Taylor Swifts boyfriends name?
Travis Kelsey
This candy has a sweet name. What is it.
A kiss. A Hershey's chocolate kiss.
Can you make a lovey dovey face?
Did they do it for a point?
This band has a romantic name. Can you spell it?
This is the sign for the word love. Can you do it and tell us something you love.
Did the student do it?
What was the girls name in Beauty and the Beast?
Does Hostess make a special Valentines day treat/cake? What is it?
Find ANYTHING Valentine like at your house. something red, a heart, some yum dessert, candy ANYTHING
Did the team find something?
Oh no. Spell this month's name and be careful!
Can you do this sign?
It means I have a crush on you!
Did they do it for the point?
This is Simba and ____ from Lion King? Aww they are in love.
Border alert Border Alert
Can you bring a Kinder Egg over the US/Canadian border?
What animal do you love most?
Pretend you are that animal and let us guess your favorite.
Did they do it for a point?
I go to Western Michigan University to learn this language. What is this called?
This is LOVE in Braille
But you have to use your C hand and move it in a stirring movement. Can you show everybody?
Did they do it?
What is Ms. P's boyfriends name?
Old School Candy
What are these. i ate them often when I was a kid.
Candy Buttons!
If I put LMY in chat right now, what am I saying in "text language".
Love and miss you