What shape is most commonly used to represent Valentine's Day?
A heart
What profession receives the most Valentines?
Who is Valentine's Day named after?
St. Valentine (of Rome - 3rd century)
Name three of the top five gifts for Valentines
Chocolate, Flowers (roses), Cards (valentines), Jewelry, Stuffed animals
Who is the famous tragic couple of Shinto mythology who created the world using ame-no-nuhoko?
Izanagi and Izanami
What does XOXO mean?
hugs and kisses
Name the famous chocolate factory in Hokkaido.
Shiroi Koibito Park (started in 1976)
Why did Valentine's Day become popularized in Japan?
Chocolate companies promoted it to boost sales
What flower is purchased most for Valentine's Day?
100,000,000 in the US, 250,000,000 globally
What movie tells the story of the famous lovers Jack and Rose?
Who is known as the Greek goddess of love?
How much money is spent on chocolate for Valentine's Day in the US each year?
a) $200 million b) $2 billion c) $2 trillion
Over $2 billion ($20 oku)
56,000,000 pounds (over 26,000,000 kg)
What country first celebrated Valentines similar to how it is today?
a) England b) USA c) Italy d) France
What is the most important invitation/question to ask for Valentine's Day?
Will you be my valentine? (Be my Valentine/Be mine)
What famous Shakespeare characters were the "star-crossed lovers"?
Romeo and Juliet
What character is often associated with Valentine's (commonly depicted as a baby with a weapon)
How many Valentine's Cards are exchanged each year, second only to Christmas?
a) 10 million b) 100 million c) 1 billion
1 billion
10 oku
Why is Valentine's Day celebrated on Feb 14?
It was the day of St. Valentine's death (martyrdom)
What's the most common meal for Valentine's Day?
The literary masterpiece Pride and Prejudice told the story of the love-hate relationship between these two characters
Candy hearts are a traditional Valentine candy that often have a message written on them. One example is URAQT - what is the meaning of this message?
You are a cutie
How many proposals are reported to take place on Valentine's Day?
a) 3 million b) 6 million c) 9 million
9 million (900 man)
Why was St. Valentine killed?
The legend is he defied the Roman emperor's ban on marriage by secretly performing weddings
How is Valentine's Day celebrated in US elementary schools?
Decorated shoe boxes (personal mail box) and valentines (usually kids make one for each classmate)
Julius Cesar and Mark Antony