This is the day's number.
What is 14?
A decorated item, typically made of paper, that expresses interest or love in another.
What is a Valentine (Card).
Traditionally, men may provide their love with 12 of these.
What are red roses.
An activity often done at home that requires rule following and a winner.
What is a game night?
The item that verifies who wrote the letter.
What is a signature?
Who the day is named after.
Who is St. Valentine?
A special name one has for a significant other or what you call your dog.
What is a pet name?
The shape often associated with love during Valentine's Day celebrations.
What is heart?
Educational activity that helps one move to music.
What are dance lessons?
A friendly remark to bring an end to a letter.
What is a Closing?
In the late 1700s, this wife of the British ambassador to Turkey misunderstood a local custom of using rhyming words to convey secret messages and thought the flowers themselves that were used in the rhymes represented secret meaning.
Who was Lady Montagu?
A technique requiring a person to paraphrase or repeat back what the person sharing has said.
What is active listening (speaker-listener technique)?
These sweet confections contain words like "Let's Kiss," "Hug Me," or "LOVE."
What is conversation hearts?
A slower form of exercise a couple often does hand in hand.
What is Walking?
A part of the letter that may contain the recipient's address and date.
What is the header?
Eros, the Greek god of love, was depicted as this handsome young man and had the power to make people fall madly in love.
Who is Cupid?
Signs, gestures, or actions made to communicate an idea or action.
What is non-verbal communication?
These are often given in a heart shaped box.
What are chocolates.
An activity you did when you first met and did something as a couple that you are doing again.
What is recreating a first date?
The part of the letter that shares the main messages being sent.
What is the body?
The location of a festival of fertility was celebrated on February 15 that likely contributed to creating this day.
Where is Ancient Rome?
A non-word sound made to communicate understanding or questioning.
What is guttural murmur?
A container made in school for receiving cards on this February holiday.
What is Valentine's Box or Valentine's mail box.
An activity where you look for something and are given pieces of information at a time to reach knowledge or a reward.
What is a scavenger hunt?
The part of the letter that greets the person receiving it.
What is the Salutation.