Who was Saint Valentine, and what did he do secretly?
He was a priest who secretly performed marriages for soldiers.
What was Emperor Claudius II’s rule regarding soldiers and marriage?
He banned young soldiers from getting married, believing they fought better when single.
How did Valentine’s Day become a celebration of love?
In the Middle Ages, people believed birds started mating on February 14th
Did Saint Valentine really write a letter before his execution?
According to legend, he wrote a farewell letter to Julia.
Why was Saint Valentine arrested?
Because he defied Emperor Claudius II’s order and continued marrying soldiers.
How did Emperor Claudius II react when he found out about Saint Valentine’s actions?
He sentenced Saint Valentine to death.
Why do people exchange love letters on Valentine’s Day?
Because of the letter Saint Valentine wrote to Julia, signed “From your Valentine.”
What popular symbol of Valentine’s Day comes from mythology?
Cupid, based on the Roman god of love.
What miracle is Saint Valentine said to have performed?
He restored the sight of Julia, the jailer’s blind daughter.
What was the significance of February 14th for Saint Valentine?
It was the day he was executed.
What are the most common Valentine’s gifts today?
Chocolates, flowers, and greeting cards.
Do all cultures celebrate Valentine’s Day the same way?
No, some countries focus on friendship, while others ban the holiday