I like the way you roll
Tootsie Roll
What is the most popular Valentines Day flower?
For God so loved the world
This love triangle consisted of David, Uriah, and _____
Finish this verse, "For where your treasure is, ..."
There will your heart be also." Matthew 6:21
I love you to pieces
Reese's Pieces
What bird is the popular symbol for Valentines Day?
But the fruit of the Spirit is love
Seven locks on his head were his strength. This woman was responsible for his weakness. Who is she?
Finish the verse, "Blessed are the pure in heart:.."
"...for they shall see God." Matthew 5:8
Bursting with Love
What occupation receives the most Valentine cards?
Love suffers long and is kind
1 Corinthians
This man was tricked into marrying his betrothed's sister.
Finish this verse, "Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that >>>
I might not sin against thee. Ps. 119:11
Three best friends
Three Musketeers
Women purchase 60% of the flowers bought on Valentines Day. Who do they buy them for?
Beloved, let us love one another
1 John
Who was the couple how lied and put the Spirit of the Lord to the test?
Ananias and Sapphira
According to Psalm 37:4 what are you to do to get your heart's desire?
"Delight yourself in the Lord"
You're a great catch
Swedish Fish
What is the most popular gift for Valentines Day?
Let love be without hypocrisy
God's love for Isreal is compared to this Old Testament Prophet.
According to John 15:13, "Greater love hath no man than this...."
"...that a man lay down his life for his friends."