In the Bernstein bears Valentine's Day what's the name of the girl that sends the main character Valentine's?
Lizzy Bruin.
In which century did Valentine's Day start being associated with love?
14th Century or the 1300s.
Who sang the famous love song "I Will Always Love You"?
Whitney Houston.
Which couple starred in the 1996 movie "Romeo + Juliet"?
Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes.
Who is Cupid in Roman mythology?
The god of love and desire.
What were they trying to stop from affecting Christopher Robin in "Winnie the Pooh a Valentine for you"?
The Love bug.
Which poet wrote about Valentine's Day in "The Parliament of Fowls" in 1382?
Geoffrey Chaucer.
According to this song sung by the Beatles All you need is?
Who are the two main characters in the movie "The Notebook"?
Noah and Allie.
Which U.S. president was born on Valentine's Day?
Abraham Lincoln.
In "Curious George: Valentine's Day" how does he make the cards fast enough?
He uses the machine to make the cards fast enough.
What year did Valentine’s Day become an official holiday in the U.S.?
What love song was released by Celine Dion in 1997 for the movie Titanic?
"My Heart Will Go On."
Which royal couple became famous for their romantic relationship in the 1980s?
Prince Charles and Princess Diana.
Which candy company is known for its iconic heart-shaped conversation hearts on Valentine’s Day?
NECCO (New England Confectionery Company).
In "Unvalentine's Day" who gave the most Valentine's the year before?
Winnie the Pooh.
Where did the tradition of sending Valentine’s Day cards originate?
Which 1999 song by Santana features Rob Thomas and became a massive hit?
Which modern-day celebrity couple is known for their power couple status, also married in 2018?
Kim Kardashian and Kanye West.
How many rose(s) are typically shown to mean I love you?
1 Rose.
In "Unvalentine's Day" what wasn't the show supposed to be? (Christopher Robin didn't know that.)
A comedy.
Why is Saint Valentine associated with Valentine’s Day?
Saint Valentine was a priest in Ancient Rome who secretly married couples in defiance of the emperor’s ban on marriage. He became a martyr for his actions.
Which 1991 song by Bryan Adams is a popular Valentine’s Day ballad?
(Everything I do) I do it for you.
Which historical couple was famous for their tragic love story that one has their last name start with a c and the other has their first name start with a c?
Cleopatra and Julius Ceaser.
What is the most popular gift people give on Valentine's Day that isn't chocolate?