XOXOXOX means what? _______
Hugs & Kisses
What bird is a popular symbol for Valentine's Day?
"To tie the knot"
To get married
What Valentine's day character carries a bow and arrow?
What profession receives the most Valentines day cards annually?
How many different messages are in a typical box of heart candies.
a. 12 b. 45 c. 70 d. 100
b. 45 different messages
The first heart-shaped box of chocolates was introduced in what year?
a. 1861 b. 1919 c. 1980 d. 2022
a. 1861
"Head over heels"
To be very in love
Which popular website, that offers many educational and entertaining videos, was founded on February 14, Valentine’s Day?
Valentines day is the second most popular day of the year for ending cards. What is the first?
About how many roses are sent for Valentine’s Day each year?
a. 50,000 b. 100,000 c. 50,000,000 d. more than 100,000,000
d. more than 100,000,000
Some estimates say around 250 million flowers are sold every year during Valestines Day.
Chocolate is made from which part of the coco plant?
a. coco bean b. coco leaf c. coco stem
a. coco bean
"Puppy love"
Young, maybe naive love
What are the common Valentines' day colors?
Pink and Red
What is the name of the popular heart shaped candy that has over 45 different sayings?
Conversation hearts
How old is Valentines Day?
a. 100 b. 1100 c. 1500 d. 2000
c. 1500 years old
True or False
The first Valentine was sent in 1415.
The oldest record of a valentine being sent was a poem written by a French medieval duke named Charles to his wife in 1415. Charles penned this sweet note to his lover while he was imprisoned in the Tower of London at just 21 years old. One of the lines in the poem was: "I am already sick of love, My very gentle Valentine."
"An old flame"
An ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend
a. Hershey's b. Snickers c. Kit Kat d. Reese's
a. Hershey's
The most popular kind of chocolate is what?
Milk Chocolate
How boxes of chocolate are given on Valentine's Day?
a. 35,000 b. 100,000 c. 35,000,000
c. 35,000,000
Valentine's Day is one of the most popular day of the year for sending flowers. What other day is the most popular for sending flowers?
Mother's Day
"To wear your heart on your sleeve"
To express/show emotions in front of others easily
What color of rose stands for love?
What year was the first Valentines day cards mass produced? 1720's, 1840's, 1910's