What was the opening text I sent you after you gave me your number?
Stranger Danger
Where did I ask you out/What is our anniversary date
Ophelia & November 14th
Where do I buy your flowers?
Who did Rutgers play when we went to the football game
What is my middle name?
How did I say I love you
From the kitchen over some wine
Say both of our pubsub orders
Answer here
What did I say when I meant to do beans and toast
beans and coffee
What was the Bruno Mars song I referenced in the card I wrote?
Count of Me
Travis Scott
What did we order at Wo Hop
Where did we go for lunch the 1st weekend I came to Westport
Shake Shack
What did I get to drink at Flyfish
Gin and tonic
What were the flavor donuts I bought
Old fashioned, french cruller, oreo, blueberry, and french toast
What is my phone number?
(973) 567-8710
What bar did we go to when u met my friends from Livingston (uber w Hirsh & Shoy)
Where did we go the first night in Miami?
Barrio Latino
What is my favorite thing about you
You're pretty eyes and personality
Think back to June 27th at 4:51 pm and you ask "why you laugh" and I say "i'll tell you in 2 weeks" This is what I was typing
What is the Gracie Abrams song you referenced in the card you wrote me?
Packing it up
What is my favorite video game
What did we DoorDash to your house
What was the first restaurant we went together and got the margs called?
What is the moment that I am most proud of you throughout our relationship
When you got Campari
What did you spill on your hooves
Oreo crepe
Who do I think is the most beautiful girl?
Jordana Elisabeth Katz