"I'll never let go."
The most common flower received for Valentines day
What are Roses
This individual is known to shoot arrows to make someone fall in love
Who is Cupid?
This European city is often referred to as the "city of love"?
What is Paris
The alleged skull of St. Valentine is currently held in a basilica found in this famous city
What is Rome
"As you wish!"
What is the Princess Bride
This animal item is often gifted for Valentine's Day.
What is a Teddy Bear
These three are considered the official colours of Valentine's Day?
What are red, white and pink
'Te Amo' is 'I love you' in these three languages.
What are Spanish, Portuguese and Latin
The meaning of St. Valentine's name
What is valor
"You want the moon? Just say the word, and I'll throw a lasso around it and pull it down."
What is It's a wonderful life
This company played a large role in marketing Valentine's Day to consumers
What is Hallmark
This Bird is considered a symbol of Valentine's Day
What is a Dove
These Valentine's Day Sweets were once considered a form of medicine or lozenge
What are Candy Hearts
St. Valentine was thought to be martyred for evangelizing AND secretly conducting this event
What are marriages
"I love you very much. Probably more than anybody could love another person."
What is 50 First Dates
This company played a large role in marketing chocolate on Valentine's Day
What is Cadbury
The yellow rose is considered a symbol of this
What is Friendship
This U.S. state produces 70% of the country's red roses
What is California
St. Valentine is also known as the patron saint of this profession
What is a beekeeper
"I wish but for the thing I have. My bounty is as boundless as the sea, my love as deep. The more I give to thee, the more I have, for both are infinite."
What is Romeo and Juliet
What is a card
This symbol of Valentine's Day is thought to be inspired by the seed of the now extinct silphium plant
What is a heart
This Pagan Holiday is likely the reason Valentine's Day was created
St. Valentine is also known as the patron saint of this disorder
What is epilepsy