Tell a us one thing that you admire about someone - 200 bonus points if it's someone in this group.
Example: (Their name) I admire you when you______"
Great work-Thanks for showing love
What is the most popular food item given at valentines day
Chocolate Candy
Chocolate Candy
Who is Valentines day named after?
A saint named Valentine
Valen-Kind Store that sells gifts
St. Valentine - He is the patron saint of lovers, epileptics, and beekeepers. By some accounts, St. Valentine was a Roman priest and physician who suffered martyrdom during the persecution of Christians by the emperor Claudius II Gothicus about 270.
What is the date of valentines day?
February 14th
Movie of two dogs in love
Lady And The Tramp
What is the most common flower received for valentines day?
Who is the winged child shooting the lovers' arrow?
Cupid - Cupid, ancient Roman god of love in all its varieties. According to myth, Cupid was the son of Mercury, the winged messenger of the gods, and Venus, the goddess of love. He often appeared as a winged infant carrying a bow and a quiver of arrows whose wounds inspired love or passion in his every victim.
Valentine’s Day colors are __ and __
Pink and red
Scavenger Hunt!
Name something pink or red
This plush item is often gifted for valentines day:
Toilet paper
Stuffed animals
stuffed animal!
Which is the color and flower most known for Valentine's day?
A. Red Roses
B. Yellow Tulips
C. Pink Roses
B. Red roses
The O in XOXOXOX means what? _______
Good Bye
High Fives
Hugs and the X = Kisses
A candy with messages on it
Sweet Tarts or Conversation hearts
True or False: 27% of Americans gave gifts to their pets on Valentine's Day in 2020, totally $1.7 Billion
What color rose would you give to a friend?
A. Yellow
B. The color they like
C. Red
B. the color they like
Although some believe that yellow is the color you give to a friend
For the moat part people keep flowers in _______
The rarest M & M color
Valentine's Day is one of the most popular day of the year for sending flowers. What other day is the most popular?
Mother's Day
Mother's Day
How many hugs should we have a day from people we trust
8-12 Hugs a day! Family therapist Virginia Satir once said, “We need four hugs a day for survival. We need 8 hugs a day for maintenance. We need 12 hugs a day for growth.” While that may sound like a lot of hugs, it seems that many hugs are better than not enough.
National Hug day is January 21st. Kiss Day is Feb 13th.
Who are given the most cards each year?
A. Dentist
B. Zoologist
C. Teacher
C. Teacher