Classroom Favorites
Political Cartoons

This famous musical depicting the life of Alexander Hamilton covers his life, and this war in particular, which resulted in this peace treaty (in this year!). 

What is the Treaty of Paris, 1783?


What is Manifest Destiny?


Considered the most famous woman of her era, she famously saved priceless American portraits for a burning White House.

Who is Dolly Madison? 


The policy in question was passed in this year.  

What is 1823? 


This radical Republican fought for the passage of the 13th Amendment.

Who is Thaddeus Stevens? 


As a result of cartoons such as these, this first anti-monopolist bill was signed. 

What is the Sherman Anti-Trust Act? 


This prominent figure of the Reconstruction Era and Women's Suffrage Movement was also a journalist, famously depicting the realities for Black Americans in the post Civil War South. 

Who is Ida B. Wells? 


This mural, depicting the final casualties of America's war to complete manifest destiny, is hanging in this foreign city. 

What is Mexico City? 


Not only is this image the subject of Miss T's famous one woman show, it also represents the first piece of propaganda in the United States, drawn by this Revolutionary figure. 

Who is Paul Revere? 


This cartoon coincided with this call for unity in the colonies, which was rejected....and then the "war for empire" began!

What is the Albany Plan of Union?