My Heart Will Go On
I Have A Dream
February Facts
Valentine's Day
Where is the heart located in your chest? a. left side b. middle c. right side
What is the middle.
This man became our first African American President. What is his name?
What is Barack Obama
What animal predicts the weather on February 2nd? a. spider b. rattle snake c. groundhog d. squirrel
What is groundhog
Valentine's Day is the big time of year for which flower? a. Roses b. Sunflowers c. Carnations
What is roses
True or False The street lamps in Hershey, PA are shaped like Hershey kisses.
What is True
The heart does more physical work than any other muscle in the body. True or False
What is True
Jackie Robinson was the first African American to play which sport? a. football b. baseball c. basketball d. golf
What is baseball
What is the flower for the month of February? a. Violet b. Lilly c. Sunflower
What is Violet
In what year did Valentine's Day officially become a holiday? a. 1537 b. 1737 c. 1937
What is 1537, by King Henry VIII
What percent of Americans prefer chocolate over flowers on Valentine's Day? a. 49% b. 59% c. 69% d. 79%
What is 69%
The study of the human heart is known as ______________. a. Cardiology b. Radiology C. Biology
What is Cardiology
Which president is responsible for abolishing (getting rid of) slavery? a. George Washington b. Thomas Jefferson c. Abraham Lincoln
What is Abraham Lincoln
Which legendary character was born on February 12th? a. Johnny Appleseed b. Peter Parker c. Paul Bunyan
What is Paul Bunyan
About how many Conversation Hearts are produced each year? a. 8 thousand b. 8 million c. 8 billion
What is 8 billion
Every year, how many conversation heart sayings are introduced? a. 5 b. 10 c. 15 d. 20
What is 10
The first heart transplant was performed in what year? a. 1967 b. 1977 c. 1987
What is 1967
Who was the first African American to have his picture on a U.S. postage stamp? a. Booker T. Washington b. Martin Luther King Jr. c. Barack Obama
What is Booker T. Washington
What country's New Year celebration often lands in February? a. China b. Brazil C. Germany
What is China
Hallmark has over how many different cards JUST for Valentine's Day? a. 100 b. 500 c. 1,000 d. 5,000
What is 1,000
The first heart-shaped candy box was created by Richard Cadbury in what year? a. 1860 b. 1861 c. 1960 d. 1961
What is 1861
The heart pumps about how many gallons of blood through the body each hour? a. 25 gal. b. 50 gal. c. 75 gal. d. 100 gal
What is 100 gal.
In what year did Martin Luther King deliver his famous "I have a dream" speech? a. 1960 b. 1963 c. 1966 d. 1969
What is 1963
Which two previous Presidents have birthdays in February? a. John F. Kennedy and Franklin D. Roosevelt b. Abraham Lincoln and George Washington c. Andrew Johnson and Ulysses S. Grant
What is Abraham Lincoln and George Washington
Today we associate love with the heart, but this wasn't always the case. In medieval times, which organ was believed to cause love? a. lungs b. kidneys c. stomach d. liver
What is liver
Which famous game show always includes questions about Conversation hearts during its Valentine's Day episode? a. Family Feud b. Who Wants to be a Millionaire c. Jeopardy! d. Wheel of Fortune
What is Jeopardy!