Fun Facts
Famous Couples
This holiday is celebrated every February 14th
What is St. Valentine's Day
This is the colour of love
What is the colour Red It is also the colour of Courage, Sacrifice, Anger, Aggression, Passion, Seduction and Sin
Romeo and __________
Who is Juliet?
This is the typical symbol of Valentine's Day
What is a heart?
This is the most typical flower given for Valentine's Day
What is a Rose
This is the name of the Greek god of Love?
What is Eros? (in Roman - It's Cupid)
In the 1800s, what did doctors tell "heartbroken" people to eat to make them feel better?
What is chocolate?
Odysseus and __________
Who is Penelope?
What shirts do tourists buy when they visit New York City?
What is I ♥ NY?
Where is this movie quote from: -Why didn't you write me? Why? It wasn't over for me, I waited for you for seven years. But now it's too late. --I wrote you 365 letters. I wrote you everyday for a year. -You wrote me? --Yes... it wasn't over, it still isn't over!
What is "The Notebook"
This is the name of the Greek Goddess for love, pleasure and beauty
Who is Aphrodite? (Her Roman counterpart is Venus)
Say the word love in 3 other languages than Slovak (English does not count!)
Amor - Italian Amour - French любовь - Russian Liebe - German
Adam and ______
Who is Eve?
The symbol for someone in love is a heart with a _________ going through it
What is an arrow?
What does the X stand for in "XOXO"
What is a kiss? Many believe the X symbol became synonymous with the kiss in medieval times. People who couldn't write their names signed in front of a witness with an X. The X was then kissed to show their sincerity.
The first ever "Valentine Card" was sent from Valentine, a Christian living during Roman times, to his lover Aelia. True or False?
False. Legend says that on the evening Valentine was supposed to be executed for trying to convert Romans into Christians, he wrote a note to his Jailer's daughter (whom he healed from her blindess). He signed the note: "From your Valentine".
In 2013, about how many people became engaged on Valentine's Day? a) 1 million b) 4 million c) 6 million d) 2
What is c. 6 million people planned on "popping the question"
From which film are the famous lovers Jack and Rose?
What is Titanic
A doctor that studies the human heart is called...
What is a cardiologist?
Which profession receives the most Valentine's Cards?
Who are Teachers
In the Middle Ages, young men and women would pull out paper hearts from a bowl with a name on it and claim that person as their Valentine. The person’s name they chose would be pinned to their sleeves for a week. What is the famous English saying that originates from this tradition?
What is "to wear your heart on your sleeve", which means to show your emotions openly
The most fantastic gift of love is a beautiful building in India. What is it called?
What is the Taj Mahal? It was built by Mughal Emperor Shahjahan as a memorial to his wife.
Princess Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge and __________
Who is Prince William?
This band is famous for their song "Barracuda"
What is Heart?
Finish the love poem: Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, Sugar is Sweet And_______________
What is "So Are You" BUT if the team thinks of something creative/funny, they get 500 points