Love songs
Sweet Treats & Gifts
Matters of the Heart
Cupid’s Corner
Love in Movies

This group sang the 1965 hit “My Girl” with lyrics about sunshine on a cloudy day.

What is The Temptations. 


This flower is the most popular gift given on Valentine‘s Day. 

What is a Rose. 


The lingo “XOXO” means? 

What is Hugs and Kisses. 


What two colors are the most common on Valentine’s Day

What is Red and Pink. 


This classic 1950 film features James Stewart and Donna Reed in a love story around Christmas, but the themes of love carry over to Valentine’s Day.

What is It’s a Wonderful Life. 


This Elvis Presley song tells us to “take my hand, take my whole life too” 

What is “ Can‘t Help Falling In Love”


What is the most popular gift to give on Valentine’s Day?

What is Chocolate or Candy. 


The body organ that is also connected to love?

What is the Heart. 


Who is the symbol of Valentine's Day?

Who is Cupid


This 1939 film features Vivien Leigh and Clark Gable as star-crossed lovers during the Civil War. 

What is Gone with the Wind. 


This Whitney Houston song was originally sung by Dolly Parton and became a romantic anthem.

What is “I Will Always Love You”. 


These pastel candies feature messages like "Be Mine" and "XOXO."

What are Conversation Hearts. 


What year were candy hearts first produced?

A. 1866

B. 1902

C. 1999

D. 1890

What is 1902.

*Fun Fact: The candy was first produced in 1866, however, they got their heart shape in 1902.*


What is the most Romantic and popular love story of all time?

What is Romeo and Juliet. 


In this 1953 film, Gene Kelly and Debbie Reynolds dance and fall in love in an iconic musical about making a movie. 

What is Singin’ in the Rain. 


This famous duo sang “I‘ve got you, babe”. 

Who are Sonny and Cher. 


Chocolate-dipped versions of these fruits are a classic symbol of Valentine’s romance.

What are Strawberries. 


A red rose symbolizes love, but this color rose means friendship? 

What is yellow. 


Cupid is usually depicted as a baby with wings holding what?

What is a Bow and Arrow. 


In this 1987 film, Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey share a passionate romance while dancing at a summer resort. 

What is Dirty Dancing. 


This pop singer, known for his hit Love and Marriage in 1955, became a staple of the 1950s romantic music. 

Who is Frank Sinatra. 


What type of chocolate is the most popular?

What is Milk Chocolate. 


You call that feeling “butterflies” but science calls it hormones. Which hormone is known as the “love hormone”?

What is Oxytocin. 


What animal is often associated with Valentine’s Day, symbolizing loyalty and love?

What is a Dove. 


In this 1953 animated film, two dogs fall in love despite their differences in breed, becoming an iconic romantic pair in Disney history.

What is Lady and the Tramp.