Love & Chemistry
Colors of Love
Mysteries of Attraction

Kissing can increase this by 100 beats per minute

What is heart rate?


People are more likely to be attracted to others surrounded by this color, which has strong romantic associations.

What is red?


These chemical signals influence attraction between individuals, although their role in humans is less pronounced than in animals

What are pheromones?


The chemical symbol for the element that forms diamonds, which consists solely of carbon atoms arranged in a crystal lattice structure, is C.

What is carbon?


The scent of this flower is scientifically known to promote relaxation and happiness, making it a popular Valentine’s gift.

What is a rose?


The fluttery feeling in your stomach when you're around someone you like is caused by this hormone, which triggers a "fight-or-flight" response.

What is adrenaline?


This naturally occurring, carbon-based substance forms under extreme pressure and temperature conditions deep within the Earth, making it the hardest known natural material.

What is diamond?


In color psychology, this color is linked to ambition and attraction, and it's often used to symbolize wealth and success in relationships.

What is gold?


This "feel-good" hormone is released during physical affection, helping bond lovers.

What is oxytocin?


This element, symbolized by Ag, is commonly used in silver jewelry, often given as gifts to symbolize love and commitment.

What is silver?


The deep purple color of this flower, often gifted on Valentine’s Day, is due to the presence of anthocyanin pigments, which vary in hue based on pH levels in the petals.

What is violet?


This chemical is released when you're in love, making you feel "happy and motivated."

What is dopamine?