This country spends the most on Valentine's Day gifts
United States
These people receive more Valentine's than anyone else
What day is Valentine's Day
February 14th
What are the most popular gifts on Valentine's Day?
Chocolate, Flowers, Candy, Cards
Chocolate company that has been around since the 1800's
The country where the first Valentine's Day celebration took place
Around 190 million cards are sent on Valentine's Day making it the second most popular holiday to send cards after this one
February 14th is one of the most popular days for this
True or false, lovebirds are actual birds
This shaped box for chocolate has been around for 150 years
Name a U.S. State with a town named Valentine
Arizona, Nebraska, Texas, and Virginia
This card company prints more than 500 card designs a year
Alexander Graham Bell filed his patent for this invention on February 14th
The Red Heart was the top used one of these in 2024
More than 8 million of these are made each year
candy hearts
Great Britain, Canada, Australia, Argentina, France, Mexico, South Korea, and the Philippines
How many roses are grown just for Valentine's Day
250 million
These two became states on February 14th
Oregon and Arizona
U.S. pet owners spent this much on their pets for Valentines Day last year
$2 billion
People buy over 58 million pounds of this for Valentine's Day
The state with the most chocolatiers (people who make chocolate)
Valentine's Day is the most popular day for giving flowers, what is the second most popular holiday?
Mother's Day
The League of Women Voters officially formed on February 14, 1920. Just 6 months later, the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution gave women the right to do this
The oldest love poem was found on this 5,000 years ago
A stone tablet (Ancient Sumeria)
The inventor of Candy Hearts started out by making these
cough drops