1, 2 and 3 in cree
What is peyak, nîso, and nisto
The cree word for red
What is mihkwâw?
The cree word for rabbit
What is wâpos?
Weather when it is winter
What is kôna?
What is nikâwiy?
The cree word for 20
What is nîsitanaw?
The colour made when yellow and blue are mixed
What is askihtakwâw?
The cree word for dog
What is atim?
What is kimiwan?
The cree word for father
What is nôhtâwiy?
What is niyânanosâp?
The color of the sky in cree
What is sîpihkwâw?
The cree word for cat
What is minôs?
Weather in the summer
What is kisâstêw?
Grandfather and grandmother
What is nôhkom and nimosôm?
2 + 4 in cree
What is nikotwâsik?
The cree word for black
What is kaskitêwâw?
What is mistatim?
What is waskowan?
Your younger sister
What is nisîmis?
The cree word for 100
What is mitâtahtomitanaw?
What is wâpikwanîwinâkwan?
The cree word for beaver
What is amisk?
What is pîsimwêyâpiy?
Your mother's sister
What is nikâwîs?