What's the most popular social media site in Vietnam?
Nowadays, you don't have to go to the bank to transfer money, but instead you can......
do online banking.
many people nowadays spend a lot of time on ....
using social media (e.g. Facebook, Instagram)
"I get a lot of important work-related emails all day every day. That's why I often have to .... even when I'm at home or on vacation.
check/deal with emails
Which social media site has the logo of a blue bird?
you have to do this before and after you use your email account.
log on / log out
Nowadays, we use electronic devices (e.g. phone, laptop, ipad etc.) for entertainment a lot because with our devices, we can.....
download films/music/apps.
"I don't use Facebook often, so I don't really ... a lot. There aren't many photos or posts on my timeline.
update my Facebook page
short battery life.
chat online
People don't look at photo albums anymore. Instead, they ..... online where many people can see their photos at the same time.
share photos.
The phrase for "to be online"?
to surf the web
the word for finding information on the internet.
do research.
older generations prefer to read the newspapers. But, younger generations prefer to.........
read/listen to the news online.
what new words that did not exist before the age of the internet?
blog and tweet
the app that helps turn an average looking person into a super model.
Camera360 / Photoshop
the word for using the internet.
go/be online.
many people are too busy to go shopping, so they like to .... where they don't have to go anywhere and can still buy many things.
shop online.
the word for typing out what you think (or how you feel) about something.
post something (on a website)
What does 'cyber love' mean?
Love between 2 people who know each other through the internet.