
This agent is commonly known for their fire and violent ways.

What is Phoenix? Some more information about this agent is that you can curve the blind both directions. Your fire will heal you and he is a duelist


If you are a player short on the 1st or 2nd round, what do you say in chat?

What is /Remake


You are a player short. You have 2 people a, and 2 people b. All of the enemies are b. What do you do?

ROTATE. Go to a, its a 2v5 and even if you teammates come its a 4v5, it is much better to set up at the other site and find good angles. 

What is the most expensive gun in the game. 

What is operator


The entire enemy team is at B site and so are you. But the rest of your team is at a site. You are DEFENDING. What should you do?

First find a angle and ping for help. Make sure you don't peak because you can't shoot all of them. Be silent and if you team doesn't come, wait for them to plant spike and there is a big chance that at least 1 enemy will walk past you. 


This agent has the best wall in the game and is one of the most common agent picks

What is Sage? Some more information on sage is that her wall is great for blocking off areas or for getting a height advantage. 


What is a save round and what is a buy round?

A save round is where you either buy nothing, or just a sidearm and maybe light shields. A buy round is where you get all of your abilities, a good gun and a sidearm with heavy shields. 


I have max credits (9000) What do you buy. 

THIS IS JUST AN OPINION, but for your information, just because you have a ton of credits, does not mean you have to spend most of it. You don't have to get a operator, heavy shields, a ghost. You can still get the normal stuff. 

If you only have 2150 credits and you don't want a sidearm, what are 3 cheap guns that you can get. 

What is stinger, spectre, and bulldog?


You are in a 1v1 and you are cypher. Your tripwire goes off at a, and you are at b. You have the spike, do you plant or do you eliminate the enemy. YOU HAVE 20 SECONDS ON THE CLOCK. 

You should plant the spike, you won't have enough time to rotate to a different site and eliminate a person. If you plant the spike, find an angle, and be patient. You should be able to ambush them. 


This agent is very sneaky and knows their way around the map,

What is Omen? Some more information about this agent is that they can smoke 2 ways. Click r to see the other way.


How much credits should you have to buy a teammate a good weapon. EX: Vandal, Bulldog, Odin,

You should have more than 3200 credits. If they want a sidearm then you should have more than 1750 credits.

You are 5 stacking a site, and you don't hear anything. You wait 20 seconds and then quietly rush in. Your teammate try's to plant the spike but before it finishes, he dies immediately. What do you do?

First quickly grab the spike, and then plant behind a wall if possible and have your teammates watch all of the angles around you. Then act like defense and camp at good angles. 


You want to get a vandal and heavy shields and you have enough for it. It says that next round you will have 1750 credits. What do you do?

Don't get vandal and heavy shields. You should do a save round and just get a sidearm with light shields. This will allow you to get vandal and heavy shields more often later in the game. 


Your teammate has 3 kills and they say "Let me ace". It is a 2v2 and both of the enemies are camping at different angles at mid. Do you let him try to ace?

If they were at different angles, they would both be able to shoot him, and he can't get both at the same time. You should go and help him because they will take you out 1 by 1. 


This agent has the best heal in the game.

What is Skye? Some more information about this agent is that she can heal multiple people at a time and can use it more than once depending on how much she heals someone. 

You have an opportunity to knife someone, but they have a teammate in front of them. They both don't see you. What do you do?

You should sneak up and knife the 1st person. Then quickly switch to your gun and kill the second. It doesn't take long to switch from your knife to your gun. 


You have to go afk for a round. What do you do to not get a warning if you are playing by yourself, and there is nobody home to make you move. 

Right when the round starts make your agent move and then do what you need to do. Come back every minute and make your agent move a little. This will prevent you from getting a warning.


If you are hiding in a smoke, which gun is best to camp with in there. Judge, Bucky, Vandal, or Shorty

What is bucky? The judge is a close call, but the bucky does more damage in close range than the judge does. 


You have 4 kills and you only need 1 more for an ace. You rush in immediately eager to get the kill and you have the bulldog. The last person has the most kills in the server. What is wrong with this?

if you rush in, the enemy will be able to shoot you before you can shoot them, and since you know they are better at winning the gunfights, maybe just lay low for a little.


These agents can cover the entire map at a time with their abilities. HINT: THERE IS 2 PEOPLE.

What is Cypher and Killjoy? These agents are both great for setting traps. Things such as bots, tripwires, cameras, and turrets are great for covering angles. 


What are the jobs of each agent role?

Duelist: Be the first to rush in and eliminate others

Sentinal: Set traps and stay back, watch angles.

Controller: Push the enemy team out of a site and block their way of seeing you. (SNEAKY)

Initiator: Set up your team for success by finding enemies and by using utility. 


This is the hardest question. What are the 3 hardest weapons to get an ace with?

3rd: Marshal

2nd: Shotgun, this doesn't always apply. If everyone is camping at the same spot its easy. But if they are spread out it is hard.

1st: KNIFE


You want to practice no-scoping with a sniper. Which sniper is the best for no-scoping

What is Marshal


You have kayo's ult. Do you rush in, wait for them to rush, or camp an angle.

This may seem like an easy question but people get this wrong constantly. RUSH IN