Why are the attackers trying to plant a bomb
Omega earth is in need of more radianite to save their planet
Guess The Ability: EQUIP a ///. FIRE to throw the ///, which does damage and ///, each doing damage to anyone in their range. ALT FIRE to lob. /// charge resets every two kills.
Raze Paint Shells: EQUIP a cluster grenade. FIRE to throw the grenade, which does damage and creates sub-munitions, each doing damage to anyone in their range. ALT FIRE to lob. Paint Shells charge resets every two kills.
Clove's Ultimate used to cost 7 points
What 2 characters are in a relationship?
Killjoy and Raze (Ew!)
Who is the first member to join the Valorant Protocol?
Brimstone, followed by Viper
Guess The Ability: After ///, ACTIVATE to ///. Once ///, kill or a ///. REACTIVATE to cancel early.
Clove Not Dead Yet: After dying, ACTIVATE to resurrect. Once resurrected, Clove must earn a kill or a damaging assist within a set time or they will die. REACTIVATE to cancel early.
*laughs* "Oh, if only I could always feel like this."
Neon can reach the fastest moving speed
Reyna dismiss
What ethnicity is Iso?
What is a "hobby/activity" that Clove enjoy? Even enough that some of the other agents have joined in on it.
Dungeons & Dragons
Guess The Agent: Representing /// home country of /// take risks no one else can. /// before they even know what hit them.
Jett: Representing her home country of South Korea, Jett's agile and evasive fighting style lets her take risks no one else can. She runs circles around every skirmish, cutting enemies before they even know what hit them.
"Yes, yes, it's me, autographs if we survive, yeah?"
Fade's Ultimate costs 7 points
8 points
What 2 agents are "guardians".
Harbor, and Astra
Why did Fade join the Valorant Protocol?
She thought that they were holding someone very important to her captive resulting in her black mailing them. After realizing her mistake, she joined them to help find, "him".
Guess The Ability: EQUIP a ///. cone. ALT FIRE to swap /// direction. ///.
Killjoy Turret: EQUIP a Turret. FIRE to deploy a turret that fires at enemies in a 100 degree cone. ALT FIRE to swap turret direction. HOLD EQUIP to recall the deployed turret.
"It's fun being a secret agent and all, but I really hope that there's an alternate universe out there where I'm just growing old with a bunch of cats."
The Operator always costed 4700 credits
False, it used to cost 5000 credits
What character always buys 2 tickets to baseball games?
Brimstone, because he wants to imagine that his best friend is still with him
Each agent has a number for their order of joining the Protocol. What number is missing? (Hint Clove has a voiceline regarding this)
Agent 8
Guess The Agent: Hailing from ///, with dominion /// unleashes frothing /// shield /// allies, or pummel those that oppose ///.
Harbor: Hailing from India's coast, Harbor storms the field wielding ancient technology with dominion over water. He unleashes frothing rapids and crushing waves to shield his allies, or pummel those that oppose him.
"Huh, cool"
Jett (Resurrected)
There are 26 agents in Valorant
Which agent was featured on the VCT main stage? (Like they got to play it and everything in a match)