Values Development
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
An ideal, belief, custom, mode of conduct, quality, or goal that is highly prized or preferred by individuals, groups, or society
What is a value
The process of becoming more conscious of and naming what we value or consider worthy
What is values clarification
The process of becoming more conscious of and naming what one values or considers worthy
What is values clarification
Adherence to moral norms that is sustained over time
What is integrity
Human values development which is a product of the sociocultural environment in which we live and develop
What is moral development
Preference or disposition reflective of right or wrong, should or should not, in human behavior
What is a moral value
The ultimate tool for living a personally ethical life
What is self-awareness
Cognitive Domain
What is knowing
Conscious awareness of one’s thoughts, feelings, physical, and emotional responses, and insights in various situations
What is self-awareness
The person obstinately adheres to beliefs already held
What is the tenacity method
Developed from individual social traditions or cultural, ethnic religious norms
What is a personal value
A useful tool in developing awareness
What is keeping a diary or journal
Affective Domain
What is feeling
Values that are implicit in expectations that are not in writing, often identified only through participation in or controversies within the setting
What is a covert value
Occurs when some institution forces their doctrines on the people by repeating them perpetually and teaching them to the young
What is the authority method
Developed from socialization into the nursing profession, established code of ethics, faculty and other nurses, or clinical and life experiences
What is a professional value
Prizing and cherishing one's beliefs and behaviors choosing one's beliefs and behaviors by evaluating values received from others, and acting on these belifs with a consistent pattern that reinforces actions supportive of the values
What is Simon and Colleagues valuing process
Enables us to be more effective in facilitating self-awareness with staff, patients, families, or institutions
What is commitment to developing more awareness of personal values
Values of individual institutions and organized health care systems that are explicitly communicated through philosophy and policy statements
What is an overt value
Occurs when one sees that other people, communities, or countries have totally different beliefs, and may then begin to think about his or her own view in terms of a higher value; previous beliefs are questioned
What is the a priori method
Individual cognitive evaluation of what is right and wrong, good and bad
What is moral thought
An ongoing, evolving process that requires us to make a commitment to know the truth about ourselves
What is self-knowledge
Moving toward the point of choosing our own values, rather than merely acting out prior programming
What is the goal of values clarification
Internal or interpersonal conflict that occurs in circumstances in which personal values are at odds with those of patients, colleagues, or the institution
What is values conflict
Based on discovering what is real; seeks truth; presents a distinction of a right and a wrong way
What is reasoning