una camisa
what is a shirt?
el vestido de dama
What is a women's dress?
el suéter
what is the sweater?
El abrigo
what is the winter coat?
El pantalón térmico
what is the thermal pants?
una blusa
What is a blouse?
el vestido de hombre
men's suit
La bufanda
the scarf
la bufanda de lana
What is the woolen scarf?
las orejeras
what is the earmuffs?
los pantalones
What are pants?
la camiseta
What is a t-shirt?
el gorro
what is the hat?
El gorro de lana
What is the woolen hat?
Los calcetines
what is the socks?
la chaqueta liviana
What is a light jacket?
los pantalones cortos
what are shorts?
los guantes
what are the gloves?
Las botas de invierno
What is the winter boots?
las medias
what is the socks?
La gabardina
What is a raincoat?
el traje de baño
what is the swimming suit?
Las botas
what are the boots?
El sueter de lana
what is the woolen sweater?
los zapatos
what is the shoes?