Hazards of VAPING
Youth and VAPING

What is an e-cigarette

   A handheld electronic device that simulates the feeling of smoking. It works by heating the liquid to generate an aerosol, also called a vapour that the user inhales and exhales. Using e-cigarettes is commonly referred to as vaping.


Unlike cigarettes , e-cigarettes contain no cancer causing chemicals

True or False

False: E-cigarettes contains harmful chemicals such as acetaldehyde  and formaldehyde


E- cigarettes are the most commonly used nicotine product used by youth 

True of False


Only 7% of youth (grades 7-12) smoke cigarettes, but 11% of youth use e-cigarettes.


The minimum age for the purchase of vapor products are prohibited for individuals under ______ of age?

Answer:What is 21


What is the liquid in e- cigarettes called ?

E-Juice or Vape juice

There are over 7,000 different flavours available. The e-cigarette usually has a base solution of propylene glycol and/or glycerin, flavouring and often nicotine


The secondhand smoke from e-cigarettes isn't harmful?


E-cigarette aerosol (secondhand smoke) may pose a health risk to people who are nearby.


Why do most youth start using e-cigarettes?

Youth may start using e-cigarettes for a variety of reasons including to look cool, to fit in, for the flavours, and as part of a social activity.


Can you vape inside of a mall, community centre, skate park, or sporting fields?

No, people cannot vape inside any enclosed public space such restaurants, schools, community centres, malls, workplaces. People cannot vape within 20m  of a park, playground, skatepark, or school.


Unlike traditional cigarettes, e-cigarette vapor does not contain nicotine or tar.... True of False

False , E-cigarettes may contain nicotine but do not contain tar

Tar is the common name for small the pieces of toxic chemicals left behind in your lungs by burning tobacco. 

Nicotine is the chemical which causes addiction.


E-cigarettes can cause accidental injuries?

True or False


Defective e-cigarette batteries have caused fires and explosions, some of which have resulted in serious injuries. 

Poisonings can occur is e-juice is drank or absorbed through the skin.


What percentage of high school students tried vaping in 2021 in GA?

18.2%  tried vaping. 


It is okay to use an E- cigarette in a car with someone who is under 16 years of age.

False. You cannot use an e-cigarette (or a regular cigarette) in a car or truck with someone who is under 16 years of age. This includes siblings or friends.


What are the four main components of an E- cigarette

E-cigarettes vary widely in design and appearance, but all operate in a similar manner and have four main parts:

A batter, cartridge/tank, liquid and an atomizer containing a heating element.

The energy from the battery powers the atomizer to heat the liquid to a temperature generally ranging from 100 to 250°C and converts it into an aerosol, which users draw into their mouth and lungs.


Youth who use e-cigarettes do not end up smoking later on in life.

True or False

False : Research shows that youth who use e-cigarettes are more likely to smoke later on in life.


Males are more likely to use E-cigarettes than females in the region of Waterloo

True or False


Use of E-cigarettes is more prevalent among male youth (18%) than female youth (15%).

*Youth are in grades 9-12


Bonus question: name 1 harmful ingredient that is in an e-cigarette

E-cigarettes could contain the following harmful ingredients:

Ruth to add OTRU


E- cigarette ''juice'' is sold in flavors such as Peanut Butter Cookie , Grandma's Apple Pie, Rainbow Custard, Unicorn blood and Kryptonite. 

True or False


While these flavourings may be safe to eat, they have not been tested for their safety when inhaled. The lungs are designed to filter one substance: oxygen. 


Science shows that e- cigarettes always have a positive  impact on  helping people quit smoking.

True or False




What impact can e-cigarettes have on youth?

E-cigarettes can have the following impacts:

1. vaping can make smoking look normal again

2. nicotine in e-cigarettes makes it harder for youth to learn, concentrate, or control their impulses.

3. nicotine can train your brain to be more easily addicted to other drugs

4. e-cigarettes contain chemicals that could be harmful


E-cigarettes cannot be used within how many metres of a school?

 20 metres (same as smoking)