Fill In The Blanks
Scientific Process
Independent or Not

This variable stays the same throughout the whole experiment

What is a constant?


Stephanie conducted a test to determine which style of paper airplane with fly the furthest.   She does 3 trials for each airplane.  If Rachael follows the same procedures, she is ______________ Stephanie's experiment.

What is replicating?


Three different liquids are poured onto a board and a scientist record how long it takes each liquid to travel 30 cm.

What is the independent variable?

 what is the three different liquids. 


Stephanie conducted a test to determine which style of paper airplane with fly the furthest.  Rachael follows Stephanie’s procedures, copies the plane design and conducts the same trials.  How does Rachael validate the results of the experiment?

What is replication?


Amelia wants to know what color bird feeder hummingbirds prefer.   She puts 40 mL hummingbird food in 3 feeders that are the same in every way except for the color.  One is blue, the second is red, and the third feeder is yellow.  After observing the hummingbirds visit her feeders for one week, she measures how much food is left in each feeder.   What must be kept constant in this experiment?

What is amount of food, amount of time, placement in yard


the variable that is measured 

What is a dependent variable?


In an experiment, what a scientist measures or observes to see the effect is called the ___________.

What is dependent variable?


If athletes drink Gatorade then they will run faster 

What is the dependent variable

What is the athletes speed? 


Stephanie conducted a test to determine which style of paper airplane with fly the furthest.  She creates 3 different style paper airplanes and conducts 3 trials for each plane style.  How does Stephanie validate her results?

What is repetition?


Make a prediction related to the image.

answers will vary


This is the changing variable in an experiment

What is an independent variable?


In an experiment, what the scientist changes is called the _____________.

What is independent variable?


If I put more soap in my bathtub then more bubbles will form because soap causes forms bubbles in the presence of water.

What is the dependent and independent variable?

Dependent Variable: Bubbles forming in water

Independent Variable: Amount of soap.


When designing an experiment, both the question and the hypothesis must be _______________.

What is testable?


Amelia wants to know what color bird feeder hummingbirds prefer.   She puts 40 mL hummingbird food in 3 feeders that are the same in every way except for the color.  One is blue, the second is red, and the third feeder is yellow.  After observing the hummingbirds visit her feeders for one week, she measures the amount of food left in each feeder.  Did Amelia conduct a fair test?  EXPLAIN.

what is yes, she kept all the variables constant (the same) except for the color of the feeder


A scientific test with controlled variables

What is an experiment?


This is a testable idea.

What is a hypothesis?


If you study for two hours everyday then your grades will increase because studying improves memory for test.

What is the Independent Variable and Dependent Variable?

Independent Variable: amount of time spent studying

Dependent Variable: Increase grades


Identify the dependent variable.

What is number of hot dogs sold.


Scientists analyze and compare data by using

What is a graph


The part of the experiment that is left standard to compare results

What is control group?

Johnny tests how quickly rats gain weight. He keeps 3 different types of rats in 3 different cages at different temperatures and feeds them each a different diet. What is wrong with Johnny's experiment?  

what is he changed too many things at once?


Independent Variable: Amount of time spent practicing

Dependent Variable: Increased chance of winning a basketball game

What is the Hypothesis

If I spend more time practicing then my chances of winning basketball games will increase because practice makes perfect.


Identify the independent variable.

What is day of the week?


Make an inference about the image.

answers vary