Writing Equations
Writing Equations II
Solving Equations
Writing Inequalities
Solving Inequalities
Write and equation that would tell how far some one who is traveling at 50 miles per hour would be after any number of hours. hint: t = time d = distance
What is 50t = d

Nancy can type 35 words per minute. Write an equation that matches the data. Use m for minutes and w for words.

What is w=35m?


In the equation 2x + 5 = 45, x must equal...

What is x= 20?


Graph the following using a number line:

x < -5

What is an open circle on -5 and the line shaded to the left?


In the inequality x + 2 > or = 8, x must be?

What is 6?


For every one "A" Dede gets on her homework, her parents give her $3. Write an equation to match this scenario. Use m for money she makes, and a for the number of A's she gets on her homework.

What is m=3a?


Kim needs 4.5 cups of flour for each batch of cupcakes she is making for her sister. Write an equation that shows the relationship between flour (f) needed and batches (b) being made.

What is 4.5b = f?


Greg gets paid $6 an hour working in a garden. Use the equation m=6h, where m is the money he makes, and h is the hours he works. How much money does he make if he works 9 hours?

What is 54 dollars?


To show the solution is both greater than/less than and equal to, you must have a _______ circle?

What is closed?


Solve 0.5x – 2 <  5.5 and graph the solution on a number line.

What is x=15?


Write an equation to find out how many cubes would be for any figure in the pattern? Use n for figure number and c for the number of cubes.

What is 4n + 1 = C?


What expression below is equivalent to 6(5u + q)?

5u + 6q

30u + 6q

6u + 6q

30u + q

What is 30u + 6q?


In the equation 5x - 14 =  241, x must equal what?

What is x = 51?


Sean earns $6.70 per hour working after school. He needs at least $155 for a stereo system. Write an inequality that describes how many hours he must work to reach his goal. Let h stand for hours. 

What is $6.70 h ≥ 155?


Connor went to the carnival with $22.50. He bought a hot dog and a drink for $3.75, and he wanted to spend what was left of his money on ride tickets which cost $1.25 each. How many ride tickets that he can buy? Let r = the number of ride tickets he can buy.

Write your solution as an inequality.

What is r <or= 15?


Write an equation for the following. A taxi charges $1.65 plus $1.25 for each mile. hint: c = total cost m= each mile

What is c = 1.65 + 1.25m


What expression below is equivalent to 72g + 36p


9(8g +36p)



What is 9(8g+4p)?


Bob decided to sell lemonade to raise money for Cub's season tickets. He decided to sell each cup for $1.25. He used the following equation to calculate his income: 1.25c=i. How many customers did Bob have if his income was $1,055?

What is c = 844?


Gamestop sells games for 39.50 each. How many games can James buy from Gamestop if he wants his total to be less than $316? Let g equal games.

Write an inequality to represent this situation. Remember, you are not solving. 

What is 39.50g < 316?


Gamestop sells games for 39.50 each. How many games can James buy from Gamestop if he wants his total to be less than $316? Let g equal games.

Find the solution to this problem. Remember your answer should be written as an inequality.

What is g<8?


Write an equation for the following: Oceanside Bike Rental Shop charges a 12 dollar fixed fee plus 9 dollars an hour for renting a bike. Let h represent hours and c equal cost.

What is 12 + 9h = c ?


Write an equation to match the following situation:

Sky Zone has a yearly membership deal. You pay a $250 sign up fee and $1.99 for every hour you jump. Let h equal hours and c equal membership cost. 

What is 250 + 1.99h = c?


Oceanside Bike Rental Shop charges a 12 dollar fixed fee plus 9 dollars an hour for renting a bike. Fred paid 84 dollars to rent a bike. How many hours did he pay to have the bike checked out ?

What is 8 hrs?


What is x < or = to 0?


We are going on a field trip and need to decide where to go. The zoo charges a $100 fee plus $10 per student. The museum charges a $250 fee plus $5 per student. How many students need to go on the trip to make the museum a better deal?

Write your answer as an inequality.

What is s>30?