At Rocky’s bike rental the rental cost depends on the number of bikes rented. What is the independent variable and what is the dependent variable?
# of bikes – Independent; Rental cost - Dependent
The equation d = 70 t represents the distance in miles covered after traveling at 70 miles per hour for t hours. What is d when t = 2.5 hours?
175 miles.
Write two equivalent expressions for: 3(2 t + 2)
6t + 6; 6(t +1); 4t +2t + 4 +2
Show that 1 + 3 n = 4 + 3 (n -1)
1 + 3n = 4 + 3n – 3; 1 + 3n = 1 + 3n
Solve the following inequality: 23 > x – 7
x< 30
A camping-supply store rents camping gear for $25 per person for a week. Make a table of the total rental charge for 0,5,10 and 20 campers.
$ 0, 125, 250, 500
Natasha charges $12 per hour for babysitting in her neighborhood. What equation relates her pay for a job to the number of hours she works?
P = 12h ; (Pay = 12 * hours)
What is the equivalent expression for 4 (m + 2 + n). How many terms are there in the expression
4m + 8 + 4n ; Three terms
For each expression below, list the terms and the coefficients in each term. 5x + x + 6 ; 10q – 2q
3 terms - coefficient is 5 ; 2 terms – coefficients are 10 and 2
Solve the inequality: 45 m ≤ 180; Graph the solution
m ≤ 4
The daily profit or loss of an amusement park depends on the number of paying customers. Which is the independent variable and which is the dependent variable?
The number of customers- Independent ; The daily profit or loss- Dependent
A smartphone plan charges $.03 per text message. Write an equation that relates monthly charges B to the number of text messages n. Use the equation to find the cost for 500 messages?
B = 0.03 n ; B = 0.03 * 500; B = 15 dollars
Write two or more equivalent expressions for the following equation. c = 2 h + 3; c- number of cubes, h- height of the tower.
2 (h + 1) +1; h + h + 3; 5 + 2(t – 1)
Sean plans to buy a new tablet for $315. The store offers him a payment plan to pay the amount in monthly installment rate of $25. Write an equation for calculating the amount owed ‘a’ for any number of payments n.
Amount = 315 – 25 n
The bungee jump at Wild World charges $25. How many jumpers are needed for the jump to earn income of more than $650 in a day?
650 < 25 p ; More than 26 jumpers.
In the equation d = 55 t represents distance d in miles traveled in t hours. What does the coefficient 55 represents in this equation.
55 miles/hour- average speed or unit rate; It is also called rate of change.
The equation p = 50 + 10 n gives the admission price p to the Wild World for a group of n people. A club’s budget has $500 set aside for a visit. How many club members can go?
45 club members
Combine the like terms and simplify the expression. 14 m + 6 – 4 n + 3 m – 2 n + 9
17 m – 6 n + 15
The equation d = 2.5 t describes the distance in meters d covered by canoe-racing team in t seconds. How long does it take the team to go 125 meters? 400 meters?
50 seconds; 160 seconds
A gas station sign says regular unleaded gasoline costs $3 per gallon. How much gas can John buy if he has $16.50 in his pocket?
16.50 ≥ 3 g; 5.50 gallons or less than 5.50 gallons of gas.
The equation c = 20 + 5h shows the cost in dollars c of renting a cart for h hours. What information does each number and variable in the equation represent?
20- initial amount; 5- $5/ hour - the rate of change or unit rate; h- hours
The equation b = 100 – 6 r gives the number of points left on a wild world bonus card after r rides. Find the number of points left after 3, 7, and 14 rides.
3 rides = 82 ; 7 rides = 58 ; 14 rides = 16
You are given the expression: 350n – 30n + 350 – (50 + 10n) Simplify the expression
350n – 30n + 350 – 50 – 10n; 310n + 300
You are given the equation y = 24 + 3 x Which of the points (64, 10) and (15, 69) lies on the graph of the equation?
(15, 69) point lies on the graph. 69 = 24 + 3 * 15
A field trip costs $250 for the bus plus 15$ per student for food and admission. Write and solve an inequality of how many students can go on the field trip if the budget allows for a maximum cost of $1000?
1000 ≥ 250 + 15 s (s – students); Less than 50 students