Fruits and Vegetables
Whole Grains

How much of your plate should be filled with fruit or vegetables based on Canada Food Guide?

about half a plate 


How much of your plate should be filled with protein based on Canada's Food Guide?

1/4 plate

How much of your plate should be filled with whole grains based on Canada's Food Guide

1/4 plate


Where would the fat come from in a balanced meal?

meat, cooking oil or butter added on meal or used to cook meal, oil or butter added in premade items, nuts, fat in dairy, avocado, salad dressing


What is one serving of fruit or vegetable in cups (hint you would need to eat two servings to fill half a plate)?

1 fresh fruit OR 

1/2 cup of canned or frozen fruit or vegetables OR 

1 cup of leafy greens


What is one serving of protein in terms of the size of a common item (hint: it would fill about 1/4 of your plate)?

size of the palm of your hand or a deck of cards


What is the size of one serving of grains- give an example of how much bread, rice, or pasta this would be (hint you would probably eat two servings in a meal)?

1 piece of bread

1/2 cup of pasta or rice


What is a serving of fat in spoons (eg tsp or tbsp) and how many would you have in a meal?


-usually 2-3 in a meal (eg added to cooking, on cooked items, or already in premade items)


What is a health benefit of eating fruits and vegetables?

-better bowl movements;

-les risk for cancer, diabetes, heart disease


What is a health benefit of eating protein?

helps maintain muscle mass

what is a the difference between whole grains (Eg brown rice, brown bread) and refined grains (Eg white rice, white bread)

whole grain has fibre; fibre is removed to make refined grains


What are some health benefits of eating fat?

omega 3 is important for a healthy brain;

need fat to make hormones;

need fat to absorb some vitamins


what happens if you do not eat any vegetables or fruits in your diet?

can get scurvy


what happens if you do not eat any protein?

loose muscle mass, including in your heart


What happens if you avoid grains to go on a low carb diet?

fatigue (carbs are quick energy for your body and brain), brain fog


What happens if you eat a very low fat diet?

feel hungry and not satisfied with meals (fat is filling!); hair loss; vitamin deficiencies; hormonal imbalence