Dictators and General Authoritarians

Fourth planet from the sun

What is Mars?
Dictator of the Soviet Union during World War 2

Who is Joseph Stalin?


Pepsi's rival in the Cola Wars

What is Coca-Cola?


22 year old intern that Bill Clinton had a relationship with

Who is Monica Lewinsky?


Winner of the war of 1812, according to most Canadians

What is the British Empire?

(Because, Canada, as a country, didn't exist yet. Don't you know?)


Author of radio play turned science fiction novel The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Who is Douglass Adams?


Insane self-proclaimed Emperor of the United States of America 

Who is Joshua Abraham Norton?


Name of successful advertising campaign involving (rigged; the Coca-Cola was kept at such low temperatures that the flavor was destroyed) blind taste tests between Pepsi and Coca-Cola that led Coca-Cola to invent Diet Coke and later New Coke

What is the Pepsi Challenge?


Former CEO of Theranos, a company that defrauded patients and investors with fraudulent blood tests

Who is Elizabeth Holmes?


Capital of Canada

Where is Ottawa?


First human in space

Who is Yuri Gagarin?


The reason that Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England refused the only known treatment for his malarial fever, quinine, leading to his death

What is the fact that it was first discovered by Catholics?


Name of Pepsi radio jingle that advertised the 5 cent price of Pepsi to struggling families during the Great Depression

What is "Nickel, Nickel?"


Name of recent British scandal involving Conservative party members holding massive drunken parties during COVID-19 lockdown

What is Partygate?


Famous traitor who was also one of the leaders of a failed invasion of Quebec during the American Revolution

Who is Benedict Arnold?


Branch of the military that the creator of Star Trek flew planes for during World War 2

What is the Army?

(Did you think it was the Air Force? WRONG! The Air Force didn't even EXIST at the time! Don't jump to conclusions next time.)


Country of birth of French emperor who sold Louisiana to the United States, fought multiple European coalitions, got exiled, etc...

Where is France?

(Did you think it was Italy, just because his mother tongue was Italian? Well, you were WRONG. Is everyone who speaks German born in Germany? Is everyone who speaks Spanish born in Spain? NO! Don't jump to conclusions next time...)


Failed Pepsi sales promotion that, due to mass anger at the fact that many bottles with the number "349" written on them were not being accepted in exchange for prizes by Pepsi due to not having a security code, caused riots and violence in the Philippines

What is Pepsi Number Fever?

(also known as the 349 incident)


Defunct New York electronics chain known for its unique advertisements ("_________, his prices are insane!"), that, according to the book Retail Gangster, committed insurance fraud, didn't pay sales tax, and also over-reported profits

What is Crazy Eddie?


Name of legal act that made Canada officially independent from Britain

What is the Canada Act?

(Seriously, you couldn't guess that??? The author of this game is disappointed.)


The planet that is the closest to Earth on average

What is Mercury?


Famous hybrid cow known for her world record (at the time) milk production, bred as a part of a mostly failed program to breed dairy cows that could survive the hot Cuban climate; English translation of the name is "White Udder"

What is Ubre Blanca?


Original name of Pepsi

What is "Brad's Drink?"


Liberal Party British politician who called hit on his ex-boyfriend Norman Scott in order to prevent a scandal, but the hitman ended up getting the ex-boyfriend's dog instead of the ex-boyfriend

Who is Jeremy Thorpe?


Name of Loyalist woman who walked 20 miles to warn British forces of an impending American attack 

Who is Laura Secord?