Practice is Cancelled when the Heat Index reaches this
What is the Extreme Danger Zone
ImPact testing
What is the computerized baseline test Vassar uses for all Student Athletes?
The Athletics Database and ATS or Athletic Training System
What are the two Databases SA's must enter information or forms in order to be cleared?
What is the Campus Response number to call in an Emergency?
This is available in the med-kits for use if a student athlete complains they are feeling nauseous, have symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea.
What is the flu kit?
This zone uses a 3:1 work to rest ratio when exercising in the heat
What is the Extreme Caution zone?
This VC protocol follows these steps; when a SA is symptom free, is cleared by Baldwin, and successfully completes a gradual 5 step graduated physical return to activity
What is the Vassar protocol on full RTP for competition following a concussion?
The NCAA regulation stating all NEW student athletes must be tested for this or complete a waiver and additional education in order to be eligible to practice.
What is Sickle Cell Anemia Trait?
This is an Excess plan and will cover athletic injuries that occur in a covered athletic activity after a student athlete follows their primary insurance policies.
What is Vassar College's Athletics Secondary Insurance Plan?
In your first practice back from winter break, your student athlete shows up to practice ready to go, but you discover they have had surgery while they were gone. This should be your next instruction to the SA.
What is remove them from practice and tell them they need to notify the Athletic Training Staff?
30 minutes is the minimum time used to return to play under these conditions.
What is the amount of time you must wait before returning to play outdoors or the pool after lightning gets too close?
These gradual steps for physical Returning to Play after a concussion must have ___ hours between them
What is 24 hours or 1 day?
If a Student Athlete is taking a banned substance for this medical condition, they must have their physician complete a medical exception form annually, prior to the first day of practice.
What is ADD/ ADHD?
The following people should be notified anytime a Student Athlete is sent to the hospital for a potentially serious injury?
Who are Suzi Higgins, Michelle Walsh, and Kim Culligan?
A parent calls you asking specifics about their son/ daughters injuries. This should be your response.
What is tell them to speak to one of the Athletic Trainers?
When lightning gets too close, the sports medicine team will do this, which means teams are to clear the fields and get inside somewhere with indoor plumbing.
What is blow an air horn three times with long bursts?
If a student athlete returns to play before a concussion has fully resolved, they are at risk for what potentially catastrophic event?
What is Second ImPact Syndrome?
This group is responsible for granting final clearance to play for a student athlete?
What is the Vassar Sports Medicine team including Baldwin and the Team Orthopedist?
If a student athlete must be transported to the hospital during an away contest, this person is the first choice to accompany them and take what information?
Who is an assistant coach and what is the students primary insurance and emergency contact information?
The three resources equipped to handle student athletes concerning mental health, or substance abuse issues.
What are Metcalf counseling center, Baldwin student Health, Office of Health Education?
No practices are allowed outside with cold "feels like" temps below this.
What is when the air temp/ wind chill is below 5 deg. F?
In this event a SA should be removed from play, examined by a medical professional, an not allowed to return to play same day.
What is a suspected concussion?
NCAA drug testing, ATD statements, and NCAA eligibility is conducted and turned into whom before a student athlete can compete.
Who is Kim Culligan or the Compliance Officer?
The five public access locations for the Vassar Athletics AED's
What is Betty Richey Field, Gordon Field, Outside Kresge pool, in the AFC lobby, and between the Kenyon Volleyball and Squash courts.
If you have keys to one of the athletic training rooms, you are expected to do these three things most importantly.
What is supervise any SA's using the room, have SA's clean up after themselves, and secure the room upon leaving?