This man spoke of ideas such as natural rights, ordered liberty, consent of the governed, and a social contract:
John Locke
Which conflict was fought between the British/Colonists and French/Native Americans?
French and Indian War
What is the suspension of normal law called?
Martial Law
Who supported American independence?
How many feet are in a yard?
Thomas Paine (Known as T. Pain among friends) authored this political pamphlet:
Common Sense
Who was a prominent colonial leader during the French and Indian war who later would command the Continental Army?
George Washington
The colonists had to house British troops. What was the act called that allowed this?
The Quartering Act
Which group made up the majority of colonists?
A victory in the Fork Knife is called this:
A Victory Royal (vine boom)
All colonies except one sent representatives to the First Continental Congress. Which colony was that?
List an event that led to the American Revolution:
Boston Tea Party, Boston Massacre
This act taxed sugar, molasses, and non-British goods:
Sugar Act
Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?
Thomas Jefferson
Corn juice in gasoline
What was discussed at the Second Continental Congress?
Independence from Britain
List one result of the French and Indian War:
British debt, the Proclamation of 1763, The Treaty of Paris, increased tension between the British and the colonies, land gains by the British
What did the Stamp Act tax?
Newspapers, legal documents, and playing cards
Approximately how many African slaves fought for the British during the American Revolution?
Water (H2O)
List three ideas of the Enlightenment:
Natural rights, consent of the governed, social contract, ordered liberty, separation of church and state, separation of powers
List an American victory during the Revolutionary War, where it was, and what it accomplished:
Saratoga, New York (gained support of French) Yorktown, Virginia (last major battle of the war)
What did the Townshend Act tax?
Glass, paper, and tea
Name a founding father other than Thomas Jefferson and George Washington:
What note is the 3rd string on the guitar?