WebApp Manual
Resource Workbook
Notes Template

When vets opt-in to texts, this is the disclaimer

What is Please be aware standard text messaging rates may apply?


We are able to provide the vet their claim # when this occurs

What is If they are fully HIPAA verified (Section 7.2 Or 30.7.1)?


This is block sched queue #

What is 89282?


CS Inquiry, Practitioner Changes, and Ship Kit Returns are on this tab in the Notes Template

What is Misc Tasks?


If you have a vet on hold, you should check on the vet this many minutes 

What is between 2-3 minutes?


"Has any of your contact information changed since we last spoke with you?" is spoken when the contact card is this color

What is blue?


Vets get this many rescheds before their allowance is exhausted

What is One? ( Section 22.12 Veteran Reschedule Allowance) 


This is the 1st step in the WebApp Cxl-Resched tab

What is Open the correct appointment line?


Unsuccessful and Successful Contacts are in this tab on the Notes Template

What is VBA Call Campaign?


This many days is what the CDC now advises before we can reschedule a vet for covid exposure

What is 5 days?


Confirming the vet's first and last name occurs when the call comes into the system as what?

What is IVR Verified?


If a veteran requests to speak to a member of leadership, you should do this with the escalation.

What is warm connect the call with the CS VBA Leads queue ext. 89902?


When a vet calls to get information regarding a scheduled appt., we should disposition in Ignite as this

What is VBA Scheduled Appt. Info Request?


VBA No Shows/Short Notice and Scheduling are in this tab of the Notes Template

What is Sch-Cxl-Resch?


This is needed if there are no other Customer Service tasks on the order

What is 545?


"Are you able to receive both FedEx & US Mail at your address 123 Main St. Miami, FL 33101?" is spoken when the contact card is this color

What is orange?


Customer Service uses this and the Tasks search to locate specific tasks or all tasks to work outbound for the VBA contract

What is Automated Workflow?


Audiometric, Dental exams, mental health, optometric, Traumatic Brain Injury, and neuropsychological testing are these types of exams

What is VA Specialty Exams?


Instructions for usage of the Notes Template can be found on this tab

What is Guidelines for Use?


We must refrain from giving out this information about LHI employees, coworkers, & leadership. We will treat this and employee extensions as internal information not to be provided to veterans, VARO reps, or providers

What are Last Names?


If Reschedule Exhausted, you tell the veteran this

What is "Please keep in mind that if you are unable to attend your exam, it may result in the request being returned to the VA."?


When a Veteran states that they went to an appt., but the doctor wasn't there, the appt. was canceled, and/or the provider was closed, etc...research the order to determine these 3 things:

What is 1. Appt. is already canceled, 2. Appt. is NOT canceled, & 3. Update or select the Cancel Change Reason "VA Appt. Canceled, Vet Attended, Travel Pay Needed"?


If a vet calls regarding scheduling an appt., you will use this disposition reason

What is VBA Scheduling Appts.?


CXL Appt. Due to Covid-19 is found in this tab of the Notes Template

What is the COVID19 tab?


These timesheets are due at the end of your work week and must match Costpoint

What is PINNAV?