In Hound of the Baskervilles, the woman that Jack Stapleton pretends to want to marry.
British author
G.A. Henty
Man Vs. Society
Invisible Man
Most hated book of this semester
David Livingstone
Intelligent, hard-working, poor, must provide for his new wife
John Brooke
Grew up around Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau (famous American poets).
Moved 21 times in 30 years.
Part of a failed Transcendentalist community and school.
Lived from 1832-1888, served as a nurse during the American Civil war.
Louisa May Alcott
What is the plot arc for almost all Sherlock Holmes' tales? (5 steps)
1. Someone comes to ask Holmes for help, and Holmes observes details about the person
2. Holmes takes the case
3. Watson’s confusion grows (with lots of distracting leads)
4. Holmes has a “Eureka” moment
5. Holmes tricks the criminal; astonishes all
Problems can be solved by logic and observation.
Hound of the Baskervilles
Worst written book of the year
Boy in the Alamo
Who enrages Brer Rabbit
The Tar Baby
African-American, graduate of microbiology and biologist at Walter Reed Army hospital, maternal and paternal grandparents were slaves
Harriet Gillem Robbinet, author of Forty Acres and Maybe a Mule
What is Romanticism?
"Emphasized intense emotion as an authentic source of aesthetic experience. It granted a new importance to experiences of sympathy, awe, wonder, and terror, in part by naturalizing such emotions as responses to the "beautiful" and the "sublime". Romantics stressed the nobility of folk art and ancient cultural practices, but also championed radical politics, unconventional behavior, and authentic spontaneity."
True Freedom = escape from authority/rules
Tom Sawyer
Book that surprised most of you by actually being good
Little Women
Who is Jonas Pearson
overseer at the Wingfield's Orangery
Author of "Success is Counted Sweetest"
Emily Dickinson
What is Transcendentalism?
“A core belief is in the inherent goodness of people and nature, and while society and its institutions have corrupted the purity of the individual, people are at their best when truly "self-reliant" and independent."
What books show persistence and loyalty to one's family?
Forty Acres
With Lee in Virgina
Little Women
Summer of the Monkeys
The only two books that Malakai liked
Little Women and Forty Acres
Who is Nelly?
Pascal's friend and adopted sister in Forty Acres and Maybe a Mule
Author of "A Better Resurrection"
Christina Rosetti
Can you list all the genres we covered this semester
Folk talk
Historical Fiction
Missionary Biography
Death separates love
The Raven OR Annabel Lee
Who did not like Invisible Man?
everyone but Kallan!