what do yellow roses symbolize on Valentines day?
In John 21:1-17, how many times is Peter asked by Jesus if he loves him?
This leader gave their significant other a bouquet of flowers that belonged to a dead person.
When John the Baptist saw Jesus, what did he say?
Behold the Lamb of God!
This Bible character liked his sister way too much?
What insanely popular invention was patented on valentines day?
Hint: the name has a nice ring to it
the telephone
What Bible character may have sang the song, "Hey There Delilah"
This leader got dumped while on a mission trip in Africa?
In John 16 when Jesus is referring to the "Helper" what is he talking about?
The Holy Spirit
Abraham had his first son through which person?
Besides Valentines day, which holiday involves sending the most flowers sent?
Mother's Day
What Bible character accidentally got tricked into marrying his girlfriend's sister?
This leader got dumped after a rough weekend of their significant other watched their family dog.
In John 15 Jesus says that branches that do not bear fruit will....?
be thrown away and burned in the fire
How many wives did Solomon have?
50, 100, 300, 700, or 1000
What it known as the "Love hormone", that activates feelings of trust and attraction between people when it is released in the brain, and it rises in the early stages of romantic love.
Name two out of of the four Greek words used to explain different types of love mentioned in the Bible.
Name all 4 and get Daily Double
Eros- romantic
Storge- familial effection
This leader was asked to the Fall dance over the big screen in front of the whole school
In John 15:18 Jesus says that if the world hates you take comfort in knowing that....?
It hated me first
Which Bible character pretended their wife was their sister because they were afraid?
What insanely popular website debuted on valentines day in 2005 changing how we learn and observe content?
What couple other than Adam and Eve can all of the people in the world be traced back to, according to the book of Genesis?
Noah and his wife
This leader didn't talk to their grade school crush for ten years after their best friend exposed their secret to the class.
Where did Jesus tell the blind man to go wash?
The pool of Siloam
When the sadducees tried to trick Jesus by asking about who they would be married to whom in heaven, Jesus said...
There will be no marriage in heaven