Human Rights
People Movement
International Law

This nation has not ratified key international laws relating to human rights, based on a challenge to sovereignty 

What is the United States of America


This global organization is tasked with leading international efforts to protect and assist refugees.

What is the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)?


This 1979 international treaty aims to eliminate all forms of discrimination against women.

What is CEDAW?


This debate centers around whether nations should prioritize their own security and resources over the humanitarian needs of refugees and migrants.

What is national interests vs obligation to refugees?


This organization, founded in 1945, aims to promote peace, security, and human rights globally.



Adopted in 1948, this key document outlines the fundamental human rights to be universally protected.

What is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?


This term describes the movement of individuals who leave their country voluntarily for better economic opportunities.

What is economic migration?


Forbids all forms of violence against children.

What is the Convention on Rights of the Child article 19?


This term describes the belief that human rights are applicable to all people, everywhere, regardless of culture or context.

What is universality?


This body, established by the UN, is responsible for promoting and protecting human rights globally.

What is the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC)?


This non-governmental organization publishes annual reports on human rights abuses worldwide.

What is Amnesty International?


Between 2015 and 2016, this country opened their borders to 1.2 million asylum seekers.

What is Germany?


States will adopt domestic legislation to combat illegal people smuggling ventures.

What is The Protocol Against the Smuggling of Migrants from Land, Air and Sea article 6?


This term refers to the perspective that human rights should be interpreted within the context of specific cultures and traditions.

What is cultural relativism?


A concept of moral rightness based on ethics, law, fairness and equity that, importantly, also seeks punishment when said ethics are breached.

What is Justice?


This document has risen as a challenge to universal human rights on cultural grounds.

What is the Declaration on Human Rights in Islam?


This principle of international law asserts that states must not return refugees to a country where they face serious threats to their life or freedom.

What is non-refoulement?


This 1998 international treaty established a permanent international court to prosecute individuals for genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes.

What is the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC)?


More then 1000 workers died in this accident, showcasing Universality vs Economic challenges. 

What is Rana Plaza in Dhaka Bangladesh?


This state has the lowest female employment rate in Europe.

What is Italy?


On the 1st of February 2021 this State was overthrown in a military coup.

What is Myanmar?


In 2013, the Australian government implemented this policy relating to the arrival of refugees.

What is Operation Sovereign Borders?


States cannot use police measures to forcibly return refugees to the country they have fled from.

What is The Convention Relating to the Status of refugees Article 33?


The only example of R2P to be implemented.

What is the Libya? 


This state has regressed greatly in relation to human rights after the withdrawal of a foreign state.

What is Afghanistan?