Major Nutrients
Amounts Needed Daily

What are the vegetables that need to be eaten more?

What are fresh, frozen or canned: Artichoke, Bok Choy, Broccoli, Cabbage, Cactus, Carrots, Cauliflower, Corn, Green Beans, Lettuce/Salad, Peas, Peppers, Potato, Spinach, Squash, Sweet potatoes/Yams, Tomato, and Zucchini. 


What nutrients do most vegetables provide you with?

Some vegetables provide you with what other nutrients?

What is Vitamin A?

What are Vitamin C, Dietary fiber, and potassium? 


Servings per day

What is three?


  Vegetables help what organs function properly?

What are the heart, lungs, kidneys?


What are extra vegetables, and why are they extra.

What are Pickles, Olives, Relish, Fried onion rings, Fast-food french fries, Potato/Corn Chips? What are they have no nutrients or health benefits? 


What are vegetable related products that should be eaten less?

What is vegetable juice, vegetable soup, salsa, tomato/pizza sauce, oven-baked fries, and hash browns? 


How do we know how much nutrient there is?

The deeper green (Broccoli) the vegetable is, and the yellower (Sweet potato) the vegetable is the more nutrients they contains. 


What are good amounts of serving sizes for some vegetables?

What is 1 cup of vegetables, 1 cup of 100% juice, and 2 cups of leafy green salads?


What do the 4 major nutrients found in vegetables do? 

What is skin and eyes?

What is healing of the body, and the growth of cells?

What is digestion and reduction of certain types of cancer?

What is maintaining healthy blood pressure? 


Where is this nutrient also found?

What is meat, poultry, fish, and dairy products?