AP Short
Payment Status

Collect shipment.  Warehouse refuses the product due to a roach infestation.   Who pays for this product?

The warehouse as the warehouse cannot refuse a collect shipment and should have documented the shipment for a freight claim. 


What is a PL deduction invoice?

This is a retailer required placement invoice. 


How many days do we normally wait before starting the reissuance process for a lost check.

20 business days


"What is this?  I did not agree to this deduction!  Who authorized this free-fill?"

3.3 New Store Openings & Placement Allowances (Free Fills)

“Placement Allowances,” or sometimes referred to in the industry as “free fills,” are free Products provided by Suppliers to support both new Product distribution points, as well as new store openings with retailers. KeHE administers two (2) types of Placement Allowances for our retail customers: 

(1) KeHE National Placement Program: Supplier will provide a one case Placement Allowance of Supplier’s Products based on KeHE’s standard unit of sales at no charge for new points of distribution at existing locations and new store openings. Suppliers shall offer Placement Allowances to all retailers on an equal and proportionate basis. Placement Allowances will be processed and charged back to Suppliers based on KeHE’s Landed Cost, plus the Fees as outlined in the Supplier P&P Terms Form. 

(2) Retailer Required Placement Allowance: Some KeHE retail customers require Placement Allowances for new points of distribution at existing locations and new store openings. This requirement is solely dictated by the retailer, and KeHE only acts as the billing agent for the retailer as mandated by their requirements. Retailer required Placement Allowances will be charged back to Suppliers based on the amount the retailer charged KeHE, plus any applicable Fees as outlined in the Supplier P&P Terms Form and Fee Schedule.


True of False:  SDM & Dion approve a repayment of a Vendor Return in full.  The account is also on hold. It is okay to submit a repayment. 

FALSE:  Vendor Returns are credited back to the account after payment is received and the deduction is also taken on the account to balance the account. 


What is the process of submitting an overage invoice for an internal PO that was written off by AP.  

Write it up as a standard voucher. 


What is the deduction for product that was on promotion that did not ship and we had to use product that was bought at a higher price in our warehouse inventory to cover the Retailer demand during the promotion?

KP deduction invoice.


True or False:  If the address is wrong for a vendor, we still wait 20 business days to reissue the lost check. 

FALSE!!!  We make sure the addresses are updated correctly and immediately submit the checks for reissuance ASAP!


"We billed the correct cost at $12.60/case per our invoice.  Please repay the price difference!"

 5.2 Purchase Order Discrepancies or Adjustments 

Any adjustments to PO pricing or discounts will require a revised PO. To correct or adjust any PO, Supplier must promptly submit a “PO Opportunity Form” to the KeHE Supplier/Vendor Support team at vendorsupport@kehe.com.


The year that KeHE Distributors LLC was founded. 



Shipment is prepaid, UDR was submitted to the supplier however they submit a ticket disputing the shortage of $120.  What is the first step?

Freight shortage denial, UDR sent blurb. 


How many days does a vendor have to dispute a transportation fine?

180 days from the date of the check.


Vendor is not receiving payments and everything is showing as in progress on K-Solve.  Vendor has worked with KeHE going on 5 months.  

Vendor is more than likely on a Procurement/New Supplier Hold.  VC Specialist will need to check with the supplier's SDM to see if the hold can be released. 


"The warehouse accepted the additional product shipped in excess of the PO.  I should not be charged an overage deduction!"

6.8 Quantity Shipped in Excess of Quantity Ordered

 If Supplier ships more than the quantity stated in KeHE’s PO for any SKU, KeHE will notify Supplier of the over shipment requesting disposition of the overage. If KeHE elects to receive the overage, KeHE will receive the Product at a discount, as outlined in the Supplier P&P Terms Form. KeHE will not pay for Product SKUs shipped by Supplier that are not on the original KeHE PO or not invoiced to KeHE under the correct PO number.


How many years has Susan James (a.k.a. Den-mother) been with the company?

30 years 


UDR Coordinator has approved a $20,000 repayment.  Who needs to sign off on the approval of this before we submit it for repayment?

Inbound Managers, Supplier Performance Manager, & Cindy Arndt. 


Late fine was issued for a PO.  The PO has a BOL from Fedex showing the warehouse signed for the PO a day before the ETA date, the date the PO was supposed to arrive.  What do we do and how could this happen?

Repay the fine as this was more than likely left on the dock and checked in by the receiver late.  


Other invoices due have processed and paid, however there is a past due invoice that has not.  The account is not in a debit balance.  What is the first action we take?

Need to check the GL date to see if the invoice was just posted by AP.


"You are almost 2 months late with payment for my Valentine's cookie POs!  This is not acceptable and do not take the cash discount!"

4.2 Special Event Payment Terms

During special event or seasonal periods, KeHE requires specific payment terms on pre-packs and seasonal SKUs, and on all merchandise for new KeHE DC openings. Such special event payment terms are outlined in the Supplier P&P Terms Form.


When is the only time that we use the LATE CHECK cash discount GL?

ONLY when the delay is caused by AP keying the invoice late.

"I gave the BI off the invoice, please repay as it has been double deducted."  What do we do first?

Go to 3-way match and see what deductions were taken on this PO and compare the GL lines looking for discrepancies.  Also check the MA/SPOILS/Cash Discount.  


True or False:  If a Supplier submits a request to the Buyer to move the ETA date as the PO is coming in late due to production issues, we do not charge the vendor a late fine. 



The on-time compliance performance is determined based on arrival date vs. the original ETA.

"Revised ETAs" are tracked by our Supply Chain for the purpose of in-stock recovery visibility, but don't change the fact that the orders arrived later than the original ETA based on supplier lead time.

We rely on our supplier partner’s indicated lead time as part of our order cadence. When POs consistently arrive later than anticipated, the resulting item out-of-stocks over time could potentially end up driving statistical safety stock that we wouldn't need to maintain if POs arrived by the ETA when ordered. If supplier lead times need adjusted, please reach out to your KeHE Supply Planner or VendorSupport@kehe.com.


A Supplier states they were not paid for a past due PO however the PO shows as belonging to another vendor and has paid.  What is our first course of action?

Check to see if there is a linking issue and if the product line was acquired by a different Supplier. 


"What is this XPP deduction? Where is this in the P&P?"

4.8 Price Protection

 “Price Protection” means a credit to KeHE for the difference between KeHE’s previous KeHE’s Landed Cost and KeHE’s new lower KeHE’s Landed Cost for all Supplier product in KeHE’s inventory; this includes price decreases that result from delivery method changes."


When looking for backup for a Promotion found on an MCBB deduction invoice, you go to the SOI screen in NTS and the Promotion shows it to be a "CO" order.  Where does this go?  The DC is 27. 
