Who is Adam
What did God give Moses on Mount Sinai?
What is the Ten Commandments
Who was the first king of Israel?
Who is Saul
Where was Jesus laid after his birth?
What is a manger
Who was the leader of the apostles?
Who is St. Peter
In what story did God make a new covenant with his people?
What is Noah and the Ark
How many years did the Israelites wonder in the desert?
How did David kill Goliath?
What is with a stone using a sling
Which angel came to Mary to announce that she would be the mother of the Messia?
Who is the Angel Gabriel
What feast did the Holy Spirit come upon the apostles?
What is the Feast of Pentecost
What was the tenth plague God sent upon Egypt?
What is the death of the first born son
How many times did the Israelites march around Jericho?
What is seven times
King Solomon taxed the people in order to build what?
What is the Temple
How did Jesus make St. Peter the leader of His Church?
What is by giving him the keys to heaven
How did St. Paul treat Christians before his conversion?
What is by persecuting them
How did Cain respond when God wasn't pleased with his sacrifice?
What is he was angry and killed his brother Abel
What did the Israelites make to worship as Moses was up the mountain?
What is a golden calf
What book in the Bible did David write?
What is the book of Psalms
How did Judas betray Jesus?
What is with a kiss
What does the name Peter mean?
What is rock
What does the name Abraham mean?
What is father of many
Who is the Ark of the New Covenant?
Who is Mary the Mother of God
How did King Josiah sought to purify the kingdom?
What is by bringing the people back to God and proper worship
How did the angel Gabriel refer to Mary?
What is full of grace
Who are the successors of the apostles
What are bishops