Action Verbs and Linking Verbs
Direct Objects, Indirect Objects, Predicate Nouns , and Predicate Adjectives
Present and Past Tenses and Progressive Forms
Perfect and Future Tenses
Irregular Verbs

Identify the verb and whether it is an action verb or linking verb.

Look at the moon with binoculars.

Look- Action


Identify the italicized word in the sentence as a direct object, indirect object, predicate noun, or predicate adjective.

The dogs in the yard are noisy.

Predicate Adjective


Identify the verb and label it present tense, past tense, present progressive, or past progressive.

Some animals in colder climates hibernate during the winter.

Hibernate- Present tense

Identify the verb and label it present perfect, past perfect, future, or future perfect.

Andrew Jackson had favored state-chartered banks over a federal bank.

Favored- Past Perfect


Write the right verb form from the choices in parentheses.

I (bit, bitten) into the apple.



Identify the verb and whether it is an action verb or linking verb.

Early Astronomers gave the dark areas names.

Gave- action


Identify the italicized word in the sentence as a direct object, indirect object, predicate noun, or predicate adjective.

The roads look icy.

Predicate Adjective


Identify the verb and label it present tense, past tense, present progressive, or past progressive.

In the cave, bats were hanging upside down.

Hanging- Past progressive


Identify the verb and label it present perfect, past perfect, future, or future perfect.

By the end of February, I will have read the entire series.

Read- Future Perfect


Write the right verb form from the choices in parentheses.

Lou (left, leaved) a message on the answering machine about when he would be home.



Identify the verb and whether it is an action verb or linking verb.

Galileo made drawings of the moon in 1609.

Made- Action


Identify the italicized word in the sentence as a direct object, indirect object, predicate noun, or predicate adjective.

Mali never feeds her dog table scraps.

Indirect Object


Identify the verb and label it present tense, past tense, present progressive, or past progressive.

Dew formed on their bodies.

Formed- Past tense


Identify the verb and label it present perfect, past perfect, future, or future perfect.

The boat has disappeared from view.

Disappeared- Present Perfect


Write the right verb form from the choices in parentheses.

My brother and Luis (did, done) his math assignment during study hall.



Identify the verb and whether it is an action verb or linking verb.

They are useful tools for astronomers.

Are- Linking


Identify the italicized word in the sentence as a direct object, indirect object, predicate noun, or predicate adjective.

We built a birdhouse from a kit.

Direct Object


Identify the verb and label it present tense, past tense, present progressive, or past progressive.

Frogs sleep at the bottom of ponds.

Sleep- Present Tense


Identify the verb and label it present perfect, past perfect, future, or future perfect.

I had copied the files onto the hard drive of my computer.

Copied- Past Perfect


Write the right verb form from the choices in parentheses.

The eagle (flew, flown) to its aerie, or nest, high in the treetop.



Identify the verb and whether it is an action verb or linking verb.

Senator John Glenn was an astronaut.

Was- Linking


Identify the italicized word in the sentence as a direct object, indirect object, predicate noun, or predicate adjective.

The tree over there is a maple.

Predicate Noun


Identify the verb and label it present tense, past tense, present progressive, or past progressive.

People are hoping for no groundhog's shadow on Groundhog Day.

Hoping- Present progressive


Identify the verb and label it present perfect, past perfect, future, or future perfect.

My family will visit Sequoia and Yosemite National Parks next summer.

Visit- Future

Write the right verb form from the choices in parentheses.

During the ice dance, the skaters (spun, spinned) in circles.
