Find the main verb:
The dancing bears twirled around the stage.
Find the helping verb:
The cowboy was scared of the cows.
Sing What kind of word tells about a verb?
Adverbs, Adverbs, When, Where, How
Choose the correct tense and say the sentence out loud.
The bobcat's fur __________________ thicker every winter. (grow)
The bobcat's fur GROWS thicker every winter.
Find the main verb:
The solar system stretches so far.
The tea is so delicious.
What is the adverb?
She ran down the hallway quickly.
Tomorrow, we _______________ in themed costumes in advisory. (dress)
Tomorrow, we will dress in themed costumes in advisory.
I can run, but yesterday she
Find the main verb:
We trudged through the snow together.
The twins are partners in PE.
What do must adverbs end with?
Yesterday, the young girl _____________ water back from the well. (haul)
Yesterday, the young girl hauled water back from the well.
Today I teach.... yesterday I
Find the main verb:
After the snowfall, the trees glistened in the sunlight.
Find the helping verbs:
One of the daughters were nice, but the other was rude.
were and was
What are the 2 adverbs?
I slowly ate the broccoli yesterday.
slowly and yesterday
I hope that we _______________ to the moon on commercial flights one day. (travel)
I hope that we will travel to the moon on commercial flights one day.
Today I am ... Yesterday I
Find the main verbs:
The clown tumbled, crawled and jiggled his way up the stairs.
Tumbled, crawled and jiggled
Sing the whole helping verb song:)
should, would, could, is, was, were, be, been, being, am, are, will, might, may, shall, can, do, does, did, have, has, had, must
Find the Adverb
He tinny tiny pink toy fell asleep before dessert.
The lightning bug _____________ its light right on my foot last night. (shine)
shined or shone
You are... but yesterday they