Perfect Tenses
Past Tenses
Future Tenses
Present Tenses
Mixed Tenses

Define the Present Perfect tense and give an example using the verb "to eat."

  • What is "The Present Perfect is used to describe actions that happened at an unspecified time or actions that started in the past and continue into the present"? Example: "I have eaten lunch."


Explain the difference between Past Simple and Past Continuous using examples with the verb "to run."

  • What is "The Past Simple describes a completed action in the past (e.g., 'I ran yesterday'). The Past Continuous describes an action that was ongoing in the past (e.g., 'I was running when it started to rain')"?


Define the Future Perfect tense.

What is "The Future Perfect describes an action that will be completed before a specified time in the future"?


Define the Present Continuous and give an example using the verb "to write."

  • What is "The Present Continuous describes actions happening right now or future arrangements"? Example: "I am writing a letter."


Why is the Past Perfect Continuous tense used in this sentence: "They had been waiting for two hours when the train finally arrived"?

What is "The Past Perfect Continuous is used to show an action (waiting) that started in the past, continued for some time, and was still happening when another event (the train arriving) occurred"?


Correct this sentence: "He has lived in London since five years."

What is "He has lived in London for five years"?


Fill in the blank using Past Continuous: "While he ______ (drive), he saw an accident on the road."

What is "was driving"?


Give an example with the verb "complete" in the Future Perfect

Example: 'I will have completed my assignment by tomorrow.'


Fill in the blank: "The child ______ (travel) to Italy every summer."

What is "travels"?


Change this sentence to use the Present Perfect Continuous: "He has lived in New York for five years."

  • What is "He has been living in New York for five years"?


Complete the sentence using the Present Perfect Continuous

"She ______ (wait) for the bus for 20 minutes."  

What is "has been waiting"?


Why is Past Simple used in this sentence: "She finished the project last week"?

What is "Past Simple is used because the action (finishing the project) was completed at a specific time in the past (last week)"?


Fill in the blank: "By the end of next year, I ______ (work) here for 10 years."

What is "will have worked"?


Explain why the Present Simple is used in this sentence: "Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius."

What is "The Present Simple is used for facts or general truths"?


Complete the sentence using the Future Perfect:
"By the time you arrive, I ______ (finish) the project."

What is "will have finished"?


Why is the Past Perfect tense necessary in this sentence: "By the time we arrived, the movie had already started"?

What is "The Past Perfect is necessary because it indicates that the action of the movie starting happened before we arrived"?


Turn this sentence into the Past Continuous: "She spoke with her teacher when I called."

What is "She was speaking with her teacher when I called"?


Change this sentence to use Future Continuous: "I will watch the movie tonight.

What is "I will be watching the movie tonight"?


Correct this sentence: "The woman is reading the newspaper every morning."

What is "She reads the newspaper every morning"?


Fill in the blank using the Future Continuous:

"This time tomorrow, we ______ (fly) to Tokyo."  

What is "will be flying"?


Rewrite the following sentence using the Past Perfect Continuous: "She studied for the exam for three hours before she finally took a break."

What is "She had been studying for the exam for three hours before she finally took a break"?


Identify the tense and explain the use of Past Continuous in this sentence: "They were arguing when the manager walked in."

What is "Past Continuous"? It is used to show an ongoing action (arguing) that was interrupted by another action (the manager walking in).


Turn this sentence into Future Perfect Continuous: "She will live in Paris for five years by the time she finishes her studies."

What is "She will have been living in Paris for five years by the time she finishes her studies"?


Change this sentence to Present Simple: "That person is leaving for school at this very moment." (change the complement if you have to)

What is "That person leaves for school at 8am every morning?"


Change this sentence to the Past Perfect: "I ate lunch before I left the house."

What is "I had eaten lunch before I left the house"?