What should they do?
What are they really saying?
What is the problem?
Math Word Problem
Bonus Speed Round

Sally's family came back from visiting her aunt in New Jersey for Thanksgiving.  When they walked into the apartment, they smelled rotten food--fish, coffee grounds, vegetable peels.  Sally's mom turned to Sally's older brother and said "You have one job."  Sally's brother said, "I'm sorry. I thought I did it before we left."

What is Sally's brother's job?

His job is to take out the garbage.


Sara has been saving her baby sitting money for two months.  She finally has enough money, and her mom is going to take her to the mall on Saturday.  She goes to Footlocker and picks out a pair of white and pink leather Adidas sneakers.  The sales person says they only have size 5 and 9 left.  Sara wears a 7.  

What should Sara do?

She has to go to a different store or order shoes online.


Pete had an algebra test on Friday.  He was nervous about the test and stayed up all night studying.  When he got home from school, his mom said, "So, how did the test go?" Pete said, "It was a piece of cake."

What does Pete mean when he says the test was a "piece of cake"?

Pete thought the test was easy.


Laurrell walks into his apartment after karate class.  It is already 5pm and dark outside.  He tries to turn on the hallway light, but nothing happens when he flips the switch.  

Why won't the light turn on?

The light bulb may be burned out.

The electricity is out.


Stephens mom asked him to run to the store for coffee and two bacon egg and cheese sandwiches.  She gives him a $20 bill.  The totally is $9.50.  How much change will he get back?



Rayshawn saw a large truck parked outside his building.  Two men were lifting boxes and furniture into the truck.  Rayshawn saw Julio, another kid from his building standing on the curb watching.  Rayshawn walked up to him, "I guess this is your last day at school?"

Where is Julio going?

Julio's family is moving.


Kenny is five years old.  He woke up in the middle of the night.  He has to go to the bathroom, but he is scared of the dark.  He didn't want to walk down the hallway by himself.  

What should he do?

Turn on the lights

Call for an adult


Ronnie is about to leave for school.  His mom says, "Don't forget I am taking your sister to get her hair done after school.  Maybe you should go to the barbershop.  We may as well kill two birds with one stone."

What does "kill two birds with one stone mean"?

Ronnie's mom wants to get two things done at once.


Peter can't wait to get home from school on Friday and play Roblox on his iPad.  He runs home from school, throws his coat and hat on the floor, and lays on the couch with his iPad.  It won't turn on.

What is wrong with his iPad?

He needs to charge it.


Cindy woke up late  The clock says 7:25am.  She has to be at school by 8:00am.  How much time does she have to get to school?

35 minutes


Cindy's alarm woke her up at 6:30am for school. She got out of bed and went into the kitchen.  Usually her mom was making breakfast, but no one else was awake yet.  She knocked on her mom's bedroom door, "Cindy, what do you want it is 6:30 on a Saturday morning?" "Oops my bad" said Cindy.

What happened?

Cindy accidentally set her alarm for Saturday.


Andre is 17 years old.  He gets home from football practice and puts a frozen pizza in the oven.  He goes to take a shower.  His 6-year old brother, Anthony, is doing homework at the kitchen table.  Suddenly he smells smoke and the fire alarm begins to beep.  What should Anthony do?

Turn off the oven.

Open a window.

Go get his brother or an adult.


Stella's mom complains that they are always running out of snacks.  Stella woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom.  When she walked down the hall, she heard a loud banging in the kitchen.  She tip toed down the hall, turned on the lights, and saw her brother standing in the kitchen with his mouth covered in chocolate and a broken plate of cookies on the floor. He grinned, "I guess the cat is out of the bag."

What does he mean "the cat is out of the bag"?

The secret is out.  He is the one who eats all the snacks.


On Thursday, Rosa walks into the school cafeteria and eats breakfast with her classmates.  At 8:10am, a strange man walks up to the table, "Good morning class. I will be your teacher for the rest of the week."

Where is Rosa's regular classroom teacher?

She might be out sick or at a doctor appointment.


Montel is saving up to buy a video game.  The game costs $39.  So far, he has saved $22.  How much more money does he have to save?

$17 dollars


Annette walked out of the school building at 3pm.  The sky was cloudy and she shivered.  Her brother met her outside on the sidewalk and hands her his hoodie, "Good thing I brought this.  You are always underdressed."  

What does he mean she is always underdressed?

She is never dressed warm enough for the weather.


Lisa takes her little sister to school on the train every morning, and then she walks to her school three blocks away.  Lisa and her sister walk to the 2 train.  When they get to the 135th street station, there is pink tape at the entrance, and a sign that says "no service."  

How should Lisa and her sister get to school?

Take a bus

Walk to a different train


Marissa is trying to study at the kitchen table for her math test.  Her 2-year old twin brothers are running in circles from the living room to the kitchen, screaming and throwing stuffed animals at each other.  Her mom turns around and yells, "Hey you two are getting out of hand."

What does "out of hand" mean?

Marissa's mom thinks the twins are acting wild and out of control.


Tina sat down in the cafeteria with her lunchbox.  She is so excited.  Her mom always makes tuna fish on Fridays.  She opens her lunch box and sees potato chips, carrot sticks and a water.  

What did her mom forget to pack?

Her mom forgot to pack the tuna sandwich


Will's mom tells him that she is picking him up from school early for a doctors appointment.  School ends at 3pm, but his mom is picking him up at 1:30pm.  How many minutes early is she picking him up?

90 minutes or an hour and a half early


Wanda was so excited.  She was going to the salon after work. She had a picture of the new hairdo she wanted.  After 3 hours in the chair, the stylist turned her around to face the mirror, "How do you like it?" Wanda pats her hair and says, "It is alright."

Does she like her hair?

No. Wanda does not seem very excited about her new hair do.  She is trying to be polite.


Mark was at Target with his mom shopping for Christmas presents.  While his mom was looking at tools for his dad, he went to the electronics section to look at video games.  When he went back to the tools, his mom was gone.  What should he do?

Go to customer service and have them page his mom over the loudspeaker.

If Mark has his own phone, he could call his mom.


Paulina is 11 years old.  This year, she is allowed to go to school and come back home all by herself.  Afterschool on Friday, Paulina rang the buzzer to her own apartment.  When her mom let her in, her mom said, "Paulina why didn't you use your key?"  Paulina started to cry, "I lost my key.  I am sorry."  Paulina's mom said, "Well there is no use crying over spilt milk."

What does "crying over spilt milk" mean?

There is no reason to be upset about something that already happened.


Keith is looking forward to softball season.  He plays on a team every summer.  He is hoping he gets a new mitt for Christmas.  When he opens his Christmas presents, he gets 3 new shirts, a Captain Underpants book, 2 video games, and remote control bulldozer.  His mom says, "I did a good job picking out presents this year, right?"  

How do you think Keith feels?

Keith probably feels diasppointed, because he wanted a new baseball glove.


Keisha makes $12 an hour at her summer job.  She worked 5 hours today.  How much money did she make today?
