I---------(go) to the mall every Sunday.
We------------(swim) at the beach last summer.
I------------(read) the newspaper right now.
I am reading the newspaper right now.
I-----------(read) a book when th the phone rang.
I was reading a book
I---------(do) my homework tomorrow morning.
Ia m going
I will do
She------------(do) her homework every day.
She--------------((speak) with her friend last night.
She-----------(write) a letter right now.
She is writing a letter righ now.
The student------------(walk) to school when it started to rain.
The student was walking to school
She----------(buy) a new dress.
She is going to buy
She will buy
They------------(not like) broccoli.
don´t like
They---------(not go) to the mountain last week.
didn´t go
They---------------(not play) video games.
They aren´t playing video games.
We-------------(not listen) to the teacher.
We weren´t listening
They----------(not come) to the party.
They aren´t going to the party
They won´t to come
He-----------(fly) to Europe.
He-----------(buy) a new car the last year.
My uncle-----------(work) from home today.
My uncle is working from home today.
He-----------(sleep) when my aunt came.
He was sleeping
He--------------(study) medicine.
He is going to study
He will study medicine
--------------(She/ wash) the dishes?
Does she wash the dishes?
-------------(-she see) the bird?
Did she see the bird?
What are you doing?
What--------------(they/do) at seven last night?
What were they doing
When-----------(you/go) to the doctor?
Are you going to go to the doctor?
Will you go